Monday, May 13, 2024

American demonstrators close Manhattan Bridge to demand end to war on Gaza

American demonstrators close Manhattan Bridge to demand end to war on Gaza

New York May 12. 2024 (Saba) -Thousands of American demonstrators in solidarity with Palestine closed the Manhattan Bridge in New York City on Sunday, in protest against what they described as the ongoing Zionist genocidal war in Gaza.

Local media reported that the protesters demanded a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a ban on all American military aid to the Zionist entity.

It noted that the New York City Police arrested a number of protesters.

More than a thousand demonstrators called for a ceasefire in Gaza during the demonstration, which was organized by the Jewish Voice for Peace organization, which describes itself as anti-Zionist.

The demonstrators sat on the road from the side of Manhattan leading to the bridge and hung a huge banner reading (Let Gaza Live) on the famous granite arch, according to what appeared in a video clip posted on the X platform, previously Twitter.

In the same context, Seattle city in Washington state, the city of St. Louis city in Missouri state, and Brooklyn city in New York state witnessed massive demonstrations to demand an immediate end to the "genocide" in the Gaza Strip, and the entry of aid into all cities of the Strip.


Academics Princeton University go on hunger strike in support of Gaza
Academics Princeton University go on hunger strike in support of Gaza

WASHINGTON May 12. 2024 (Saba) - More than a dozen faculty members from Princeton University joined the students on a one-day hunger strike, supporting the Palestinian cause and demanding an end to the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Media reports reported on Sunday that on May 3, a group of students (18 students) at Princeton University began a hunger strike in solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Princeton faculty said in a statement: “Our day-long solidarity is a small effort compared to the efforts of our students committed to this strike, to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, who are subjected to forced starvation and genocide by “Israel.” ".

The statement added: “We urge the university administration to enter into negotiations in good faith with student representatives and faculty members, and to consider the urgent need to stop dealing with “Israel” until it stops its genocidal war against the Palestinian people in Gaza.”

The faculty also called for amnesty for students, faculty and staff who faced disciplinary action for participating in peaceful protests.

Since last April 18, American universities have witnessed a student movement in support of the Gaza Strip in the face of the Zionist war, which later expanded and moved to universities in countries such as France, Britain, Germany, Canada and India.

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