Monday, May 13, 2024


British Labor Party calls for first time to stop selling weapons to Zionist entity
British Labor Party calls for first time to stop selling weapons to Zionist entity

LONDON May 13. 2024 (Saba) - The Labor Party in the United Kingdom called for the first time to stop selling weapons to the Zionist enemy entity, amid concerns about a military attack in Rafah.

According to what was reported by the British media, last night, David Lammy, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, urged the government to suspend the sale of weapons that could be used in the attack on Rafah.

Explaining Labour's shift in position, Lammy said: "The Labor Party had opposed the Zionist attack on Rafah for several months and was clear that it should not go ahead."

He added: “The UK government must now work with the United States to try to prevent the attack on Rafah, by making clear that it will evaluate UK exports.”

He warned that “if the Rafah attack continues, it will join our American allies in suspending weapons or components, which can be used in Rafah.

The American Bloomberg Agency reported, in a report, about the results of the local elections in the United Kingdom, in which the British Labor Party lost control of the council in the city of Oldham, located in northwest England, because of its positions on the war on Gaza.

An analysis by Will Jennings, professor of politics at the University of Southampton, showed that Labour's share of the vote fell by about 2.2 points in areas with a population of more than five percent Muslims.

Party leader Keir Starmer's position on the war on Gaza has been under scrutiny since the Zionist enemy began its war on the Strip.

The Labor Party leader said at the time: "Israel has the right to defend itself and respond to Hamas movement."

Starmer has faced opposition from some Labor lawmakers over his comments defending aspects of Zionist operations in Gaza, which have resulted in more than 35,000 Palestinian martyrs so far.


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