Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Dan Patrick shouts down journalist at trial: 'Donald Trump is not the ruling class!'


David Edwards
May 21, 2024 

Real America's Voice/screen grab

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) showed up at Donald Trump's hush money trial in New York on Tuesday and shouted down a journalist who suggested the former president was part of the "ruling class."

After the prosecution and defense rested their cases, a group of Trump surrogates, including elected officials, spoke outside the courthouse.

"When a friend is in trouble, friends have his back," Patrick said. "The way he has been treated, you would see in Russia, you would see in China, you would see in North Korea, you would see in every little tin pot dictatorship across the world."

"If the courts in New York come after any of you because of something you said, because you said something the ruling class didn't like, and that's what all these other countries are about," he continued. "They want to be sure that anyone that speaks up against the ruling class disappears."

"They want to take him off the main stage because they know he is their biggest danger to take on the ruling class."

"Isn't Donald Trump part of the ruling class?" one nearby journalist asked.

Patrick quickly fired back: 'Now, no, you know what? Donald Trump is not the ruling class. Donald Trump is for every New Yorker. He's for every Texan, every, every state."

"Donald Trump has put his whole life on the line, his whole life on the line for the American people," he added.

Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka lashed out at the journalist.

"Would a member of the ruling class be facing 730 years in prison?" he asked. "What a pathetic question, 730 years in prison, and he's a member of the elite. That's pathetic. You're not a journalist."

Watch the video below from Real America's Voice.

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