Monday, May 06, 2024

Democrats, Liberal Media Suddenly Discover Soros & Co. Are Funding Radical Left Causes Dragging Biden Down


May 05, 2024

Some Democrats and liberal media outlets appear to be discovering the connection between big Biden donors funding radical left causes, including the pro-Palestine protests seen across the U.S., which are now coming back to bite President Joe Biden as he seeks re-election in November.

A new report from Politico Sunday revealed that donors like George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr., and Nick Pritzker are supporting organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, which have been responsible for many of the protests at college campuses. These groups, according to the outlet, are funded by the Tides Foundation which is funded by Soros and previously funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Mega Democratic donors funding radical left causes though has been an obvious connection for many Republicans, who have repeatedly called out Soros and other donor ties for some time. In early April, the Daily Caller first obtained a copy of a letter from Republican New York Rep. Nick Langworthy to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which called on them to investigate Soros’ purchase of the nation’s second-largest radio company, Audacy Inc. — another venture Soros has embarked on prior to the 2024 elections.

Since mid-April, pro-Palestine protests at U.S. college campuses have demanded that universities divest their funds from companies connected to Israel. While some may have had peaceful moments, many erupted into clashes between police and activists as they have violated schools’ policies by building encampments on campuses and vandalizing property.

Many Republicans since the beginning of the protests, which began at Columbia University, have called out Biden’s lack of leadership surrounding the issue. Nearly four days after the initial protests at Columbia, and nearly 100 arrests made at the time, Biden released a statement condemning the “harassment and calls for violence against Jews,” however, notably did not call out the school.

While the shocking news is hitting Democrats, Politico’s piece was met with backlash, as users overwhelmingly agreed that the connection between the protests and far-left Democratic donors wasn’t surprising at all.

During an interview with Biden’s campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu, CNN host Jake Tapper pressed the Biden advisor on the connection between the donors and groups, asking if they should be funded.

“Politico has a story out this morning, noting that a lot of the multimillionaires and billionaires funding the most explicitly anti-Israel groups, ones that think Israel has no right to exist that are active on campuses, that these groups are funded by big Biden donors, the Pritzker’s, the Gates’, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Jr. Should they stop funding these groups? Are they causing unrest for the American people?” Tapper asked.

“Well, let me say this, I think that everybody, as the president has said, needs to kind of get focused in on the very core principles of what our Constitution allows and what our Constitution protects. And that is this, everybody has a right to protest, but they have to protest peacefully. If they’re protesting violently that has to end, there’s no place for that. There’s no place for anti-semitism. There’s no place for Islamophobia,” Landrieu responded.

During an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman questioned the protesters’ demands by pointing out that Hamas appeared to not be a hot topic for them. The Democratic senator echoed his statements online, quoting Politico’s piece and stating that the activists “should be demanding Hamas to release the hostages and surrender.”

Just four days ago, a Daily Beast report claimed that the connection between Soros and pro-Palestine protests on campus was the “target of right-wing conspiracy theories.” The article called out an interview from Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson on NewsNation, in which the lawmaker called for the FBI to be “all over” the protests, asking if they could have been funded by “George Soros or overseas entities.”

Another piece from a Washington Post columnist Phillip Bump, claimed that the idea of Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) helping fund protests across the country is “so tenuous as to be obviously contrived.”

The president’s position has been at odds with a key voting bloc for Democrats, as many young voters have been behind calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. While the issue is not fully attributed to Biden’s falling support with young Americans, it appears to be having an effect in Michigan, a state that voted for him in 2020 and flipped from its support of former President Donald Trump in 2016.

During the state’s primary this year, many Muslim Americans who once voted for Biden withheld their support due to the president’s position on the Israeli conflict. While Biden won the primary by 81.1%, an estimated 13.3% voted “uncommitted,” with protest voters claiming he is “funding war and genocide in Gaza.”

Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to reflect the changes Politico made to its article regarding the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s contributions to the Tides Foundation, Jewish Voice For Peace and IfNotNow.

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