Monday, May 06, 2024

Google BANS Trump Ad Showing Life Worse Under Biden.

The National Pulse
Summary: Google has censored an advertisement by President Donald Trump’s campaign, citing a policy violation as the reason for removal. The ad was initially

Google has censored an advertisement by President Donald Trump’s campaign, citing a policy violation as the reason for removal. The ad was initially flagged by NBC News reporter Andrew Arenge, who shared screenshots of it being taken down from Google’s search results.

The campaign advertisement, sponsored by Make America Great Again Super PAC, focused on a conversation between a remorseful Biden voter and a Biden campaign worker. The voter highlighted concerns over the rising cost of living under Biden’s regime and the allegedly preferential treatment given to illegal immigrants. The ad was strategically targeted at specific Georgia localities.

Notable within the ad was the mention of Trump’s burgeoning popularity among minority and young voters, a fact corroborated by a USA Today report referred to in the ad and a recent CNN poll. The latter revealed that 55 percent of Americans retrospectively view Trump’s presidency as a success, an increase from his approval rating when he exited the office.

Google is censoring this pro-Trump ad to protect Biden. Let's make it go viral.

Google reversed its decision on Saturday, allowing the ad to run, though further information has not yet been forthcoming.

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