Friday, May 03, 2024


Plans underway to have the Peshmerga killed as a last resort to postpone the elections Bashur

In order to postpone the elections in Bashur (Southern Kurdistan), the ruling KDP is planning to have some of its own forces killed by driving them to the battlefield and postpone the elections by saying "we are at war".

Thursday, 2 May 2024, 

While Ankara, Baghdad and Hewlêr (Erbil) have been preparing for a new war against the Kurdistan Freedom Movement for months, the first signals of the invasion operation were launched in the Metîna region of the Medya Defence Zones. The military deployments of the Turkish Republic and KDP to the region for the operations to be carried out in stages continue.

Metina under intense attack since last night

While the information and developments regarding the operation are being kept secret in order to prevent any public reaction, it is reported that the Turkish army has been carrying out intense attacks on many parts of Metîna since last night. It is also said that some preparations were made for the KDP to take a more active role in the operations.

A new war scenario

While it is stated that new plans are set to be put into action under the leadership of the KDP within the framework of the operations whose preparations continue in many areas, the Turkish army will reportedly head towards the HPG points in Metîna by bringing in some forces affiliated to the KDP in the coming days.

Peshmerga will be killed!

It is reported that the attacks will be organised in this way and, at the current stage, an attempt will be made to create a picture of “Peshmerga being attacked" out of the force that will be hit by the HPG's response. While it is reported that the infrastructure for such a provocation is being prepared, it is also stated that the main purpose is the KDP's attempt to cover up its problems with war.

To cancel the elections

If the plan is realised, Nechirvan Barzani will appear in front of the cameras and say: "We are in a state of war. Elections cannot be held under these conditions. We are postponing the elections due to this extraordinary situation".

It is reported that the KDP, which has given all its weight to this plan, has accelerated the preparations for this provocation in order to create justifications for war, while the Turkish state has mobilised all its power for this plan to come to life.

The last resort...

On the other hand, the KDP left no stone unturned to find a way out of the political crisis in Southern Kurdistan, which is led by the elections. Having failed to get results in its negotiations with the USA, the Sudanese government, the Shiite forces in Iraq and most recently Iran, the KDP is planning to create an extraordinary situation in Southern Kurdistan through such a provocation and to put into effect a different way to postpone the elections. While the KDP is preparing to have the Peshmerga loyal to it killed in order to save its power, both the Turkish Republic and the KDP intend to take advantage of this situation if the plan is realised.

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