Monday, May 06, 2024

Kristi Noem blasted for chastising ‘fake news’ host Margaret Brennan over bizarre interview: ‘Stop playing victim’

ByShweta Kukreti
May 06, 2024 

Kristi Noem has claimed in a post on X that she was unfairly grilled by CBS host Margaret Brennan during an interview.

It seems there is no end to 'puppy killer' Kristi Noem's controversies. The South Dakota Governor recently appeared on CBS' Face of Nation to clear the air about her falsely claimed meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and to suggest that President Joe Biden's dog Commander should be killed.

During the CBS interview, Noem felt the heat as she asked the interviewer, “Why am I being treated differently than every other person that you’ve interviewed? You don’t interrupt other people. You let them talk.”(AP)

After getting candid with CBS host Margaret Brennan, Trump's potential VP contender garnered much limelight as she started trending on social media, including X, for her interview. However, Noem took U-turn on Sunday to complain about Brennan, alleging that she was unfairly grilled by her.

She went on to say that her Democratic colleagues like former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would never have been exposed to such harsh interrogation.

“This morning in our 15-minute interview, Margaret Brennan interrupted me 36 times—once every 25 seconds on average," miffed Noem posted on X. In contrast to her claims, the host was seen interrupting or questioning her at a few moments, prompting the governor to change the topic or move ahead without answering the question.

During the interview, Noem felt the heat as she asked the interviewer, “Why am I being treated differently than every other person that you’ve interviewed? You don’t interrupt other people. You let them talk.”

To make her point clear, she continued on X, “In the fake news media, there are two sets of rules, and conservative[s] are always treated differently. That’s why Americans don’t trust the Fake News.”

Also Read: US House lawmakers form ‘Dog Lovers Caucus’ after Kristi Noem calls puppy shooting report ‘fake’ news

Exploring why Noem decided to target Margaret Brennan

Notably, Noem's post on X came after she faced backlash over her remarks in the interview, with MSNBC host, saying "No bad dogs, only bad people."

Meanwhile, Former GOP Rep Joe Walsh told to CNN: “I served with Kristi Noem; she wasn't like this. Every one of my former Republican colleagues has learned to be like Trump. To be cruel. To lie. To never, ever apologise.”

"Kristi Noem, Trump’s potential VP nominee, says that she wants to put down President Biden’s dog. These people are lunatics and we cannot let them near power," a handle named Biden's Win tweeted.

Some of the X users even commented on Noem's post, asking her to “stop playing the victim card”.

“We all watched the interview, and you were not rudely interrupted, but you did lie an awful lot. At least it kept you busy so you couldn't kill any more dogs for a few minutes,” one of her followers commented.

What went wrong for Kristy Noem during the interview?

Noem was basically grilled about her upcoming book 'No Going Back'. When Brennan openly asked her if she really met Kim Jong Un, the governor refused to talk about her “specific” encounters with world leaders.

However, she admitted the error in her book and the publisher will make the edits before its release. Meanwhile, publisher Center Street announced on X that they have removed the passage in question, but added, "Further questions about the passage should be referred to the author".

The governor, who tried to defend killing her 14-old-month dog 'Cricket', seemed to suggest on-air that Biden's troubled dog Commander should meet a similar fate.

After removing Commander from the White House for biting several Secret Service personnel, Biden decided to send his dog to his relatives in order to reach a perfect resolution.

Is Commander next? Kristi Noem suggests Biden’s troubled dog should be killed just like 'Cricket'

ByShweta Kukreti
May 05, 2024 

Kristi Noem now come up with a bizarre suggestion that President Joe Biden's troubled dog 'Commander' should be killed too.

It seems 'puppy killer' Kristi Noem has no shame after admitting to a murder of 14-month-old dog 'Cricket'. She has now come up with a bizarre suggestion that President Joe Biden's troubled dog 'Commander' should be killed too.

Following the reports that Commander drew blood from a Secret Service agent, the White House in March said that Biden handed over the German shepherd to his relatives due to repeated biting incidents.(X/@ImMeme0)

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Noem stood firm by her admission of killing a dog in her upcoming memoir and quipped that Commander would say “say hello to” Cricket.

The South Dakota Governor, 52, stressed that Biden's pup, who was shifted from the White House last fall after he reportedly bit dozens of people, had raised safety concerns for staffers and Secret Service agents.

“Joe Biden’s dog has attacked 24 Secret Service people. So how many people are enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog?” Noem asked.

“That’s the question that the President should be held accountable to,” the potential Trump VP added.

Moderator Margaret Brennan promptly asked if “You’re saying he should be shot?”

“What is the number?” Noem replied before attempting to change the topic.

Where is Commander?

Following the reports that Commander drew blood from a Secret Service agent, the White House in March said that Biden handed over the German shepherd to his relatives due to repeated biting incidents.

Noem, whose name has been touted as a potential vice presidential candidate for Donald Trump, has come under fire after she admitted to killing her dog in a new book 'No Going Back', which will hit the shelves on May 7.

"I hated that dog," Noem said in her book, as per the copy obtained by The Guardian. "[Cricket was] dangerous to anyone she came in contact with."

Noem then recalled shooting the “disgusting, musky, rancid” goat, which she claimed used to chase her kids.

Also Read: Kristy Noem finally clears the air if she really met with Kim Jong Un amid fresh controversy

Meanwhile, a group of US House members have joined hands to form a "Dog Lovers Caucus" in a bid to promote harmony among people who appreciate man's best friend.

This move is blatantly directed at the South Dakota Governor for defending her claims of killing her mischievous puppy due to its "aggressive personality".
Did Trump ignore Kristi Noem?

Trump met with a group of potential vice presidential candidates at the Republican National Committee's spring conference in Palm Beach on Saturday.

NBC claimed that Noem arrived there but left early as her name was not mentioned among the contenders who joined Trump onstage in the RNC's readout of the event.


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