Wednesday, May 08, 2024


Left MPs cry out for Rafah and challenge government complicity in war crimes


“As bombs rain down on a trapped and terrified population, we implore our government to find an ounce of humanity and end its complicity in war crimes”
Jeremy Corbyn MP 

By Labour Outlook

Israel’s assault on Rafah is now underway, with fears growing of a humanitarian catastrophe for the 1.4 million Palestinians taking shelter in the city. Reports that Israel is blocking aid, fuel or goods from entering the two crossings of Rafah and Kerem Shalom, will make humanitarian efforts to save lives even more difficult. 

Thousands of activists gathered outside Downing Street to speak out against the attack on Rafah, while inside parliament, a range of left MPs called on the Government to push for an immediate ceasefire, demanded an end to arms sales to Israel and challenged the UK Government’s complicity in war crimes.

Jeremy Corbyn was among those voices, labelling the military assault “another utterly despicable war crime.”

Richard Burgon MP, Secretary of the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs, spoke in parliament to demand that the Government take action against the clear breaches of international law by ending arms sales and suspending trade talks with Israel.

Speaking during the debate, Apsana Begum MP challenged the Government for continuing to arm Israel despite clear breaches of their own licensing criteria.

Former Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell labelled the assault “genocide in action,” urging for international action to end the attack and for an urgent vote in parliament to end UK complicity in war crimes.

Zarah Sultana MP called for immediate action to stop the assault, including banning arms sales and for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to hold Israeli Prime Minister and Israeli Government officials accountable for war crimes.

Diane Abbott MP criticised ongoing government support for Israel, which is allowing them to continue the assault without consequence.

Adding to the call for arms sales to Israel to be stopped, Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP raised the plight of the 1.4 million Palestinians sheltering in an area “more densely populated than Paris.”

Citing the Tory Deputy Foreign Minister’s own comments, where he stated that he couldn’t see how an assault on Rafah could be compliant with international law, Imran Hussain MP asked why the Government has still not taken action to support the ICC’s war crimes investigation or to stop arms sales to Israel.

Nadia Whittome MP joined the debate, calling out the Government’s failure to hold Israel to account and asking what will it take for them to stop enabling war crimes?

Kim Johnson MP warned of the “catastrophic consequences” for the Palestinian civilians sheltering in Rafah, furthering the call for the Government to press for an immediate ceasefire, end arms sales to Israel and challenge Israel’s breaches of humanitarian law.

  • You can read our write-up of the demonstration held in opposition to the Rafah offensive on May 7th, 2024, here.

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