Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Man arrested over death threats made to NI councillor who vows not to be deterred

SDLP Councillor Lilian Seenoi-Barr


Allison Morris
Sun 5 May 2024 

Police investigating online threats against SDLP councillor Lilian Seenoi-Barr have arrested a 30-year-old man.

Ms Seenoi-Barr has received death threats since it was announced she will become Northern Ireland’s first black mayor.

She was chosen last week by the SDLP as the next mayor of Derry City and Strabane. She said she was “proud to be a Maasai woman and a Derry girl”.

The PSNI said yesterday evening that a man was in custody after he attended Strand Road police station in Londonderry and was detained on suspicion of harassment, threats to kill and improper use of a public electronic communications network. Police are treating the alleged offences as a racially motivated hate crime.

The 42-year-old Kenyan has said racism will not deflect her but is “disappointed” two councillors from her party resigned after her selection. Current deputy mayor Jason Barr and Shauna Cusack, who both put themselves forward for the post, resigned over the “undemocratic” manner of the selection.

Speaking on BBC’s Sunday Politics programme, Ms Seenoi-Barr said despite the abuse and death threats, the majority of people in Derry stood with her.


“It is an honour to be considered mayor and be selected, it is a lifetime opportunity,” she said.

“It was obviously a disappointment that two of my colleagues who I have worked with the last three years decided to resign, but I’m focused on the way forward.

“I was elected by the people of Derry who have really taken me into their hearts and been kind to me and I want to be able to serve them properly.

“It’s not about making history, but it is about delivering for the people and representing the people that elected me.”

She said her selection was an “open process... a robust interview, very competitive”.

She added: “I was very prepared for the interview, I work very hard for my community.”

The SDLP conceded communication with its representatives was poor and said is will change how it appoints civil leadership positions in the future.

The party is expected to propose an amendment at its next annual general meeting to “regularise the process”.Councillor Lilian Barr will soon be appointed Mayor of Derry City and Strabane.

Councillor Lilian Barr will soon be appointed Mayor of Derry City and Strabane.

Ms Seenoi-Barr has received hundreds of messages of congratulations, including from party leader Colum Eastwood and First Minister Michelle O’Neill.

Her selection was also widely reported in Kenya.

Senator Ledama Olekina posted on X: “Please join me in congratulating my baby sister Councillor Lilian Seenoi for being elected as the first black Maasai Mayor of the City of Derry.”

In response to the abuse she has received, Ms Seenoi-Barr said: “Since I put myself forward to represent my community, since I came to this country, I’ve been experiencing racism.

“But obviously it’s beyond what I had been experiencing.

“The death threats have been extremely hurtful to my family and to myself too.

“But I’m more focused on the positives, I have had enormous support across the island.”

She joined the SDLP team on Derry City and Strabane District Council in June 2021 after being co-opted in the Foyleside ward.

She retained her seat in last year’s council local elections.

Condemning the racist abuse, Mr Eastwood said: “We will not be led into the gutter by far-right activists, whether they are coming from America, Dublin or Derry online.”

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