Thursday, May 09, 2024

New Bill would require US to work with Britain, Australia on Japan’s role in Aukus

Aukus was formed in 2021 to counteract China's growing power. 

MAY 08, 2024

WASHINGTON – A bipartisan group of senior US senators introduced legislation on May 8 to require officials involved in the Aukus defence project with Britain and Australia to engage with them and Japan on how Japan could be included in the project.

A Bill, introduced by Republicans Mitt Romney, Bill Hagerty and Jim Risch, and Democrat Tim Kaine, would require the US to coordinate a path forward for Japan’s cooperation on advanced technology projects under the so-called pillar two of Aukus.

Aukus was formed in 2021 to counteract China’s growing power.

Its first pillar involves cooperation between the three partners to provide Australia with nuclear-powered submarines, but they have raised the possibility of other countries joining a second pillar to develop other high-tech weaponry.

The partners announced in April that they were considering working with Japan on specific pillar two projects and would hold talks in 2024.

In a statement from his office shared with Reuters announcing the Coordinating Aukus Engagement with Japan Act, Mr Romney said the US must link arms with allies to push back against China’s increased “aggression”.

The statement said: “The legislation would require... (Aukus) coordinators at both the US departments of state and defence to engage with the Japanese government, and consult with counterparts in Britain and Australia, to discuss what including Japan in certain advanced technology cooperation activities under the Aukus framework would look like.”

It quoted Mr Kaine as saying Aukus was “critical to keeping the Indo-Pacific free and open” and the Bill would help “outline a path for Japan’s inclusion in Aukus and expand defence industrial cooperation among US allies”.

Mr Risch, the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the legislation would require the Biden administration to engage Japan on its interest in joining Aukus, assess what unique technological contributions Tokyo could make, and whether its export-control system was sufficiently aligned to that of the existing partners.

“Importantly, it also ensures the executive branch consult with its counterparts in Britain and Australia before expanding Aukus,” he said.

Aukus already faces hurdles from strict US restrictions on sharing technology and there has been some hesitation about involving Japan, with officials and experts highlighting its cyber and information security vulnerabilities. REUTERS

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