Wednesday, May 22, 2024

North East NHS healthcare assistants begin five-day strike

By Michael Robinson

NHS workers launched their third round of strikes today (May 20) as they continue to protest against ‘unfair’ wages.

This is the latest action taken since their 24-hour strike in March and 72-hour stoppage in April.

The strike action will see staff continue to campaign to move to a wage band which “more accurately reflects” their work and secure a “fair” back pay settlement.

In an open letter, the union’s Northern regional secretary, Clare Williams, called on the trusts to negotiate with them.

She said: “UNISON is at a loss as to why the trust does not want to show it values staff by agreeing to meet UNISON to find a resolution to this dispute.

“UNISON members have shown they have been working above their grade for many years and quite reasonably are just asking to have this work recognised and for them to be treated with respect.“

A joint statement from the trusts on the latest strike action said: "The role healthcare assistants play on our wards and in the community is much valued by our colleagues and patients.

“We have worked closely with trade union colleagues to move our healthcare assistants to the higher grades where applicable in line with the national profile and have committed to back pay dating back tJuly 2021.

“Patients are asked to attend any appointments as usual, unless we contact them to reschedule.

“Urgent and emergency care will be prioritised to ensure those in life-threatening emergencies can receive the best possible care.

“People can help us to keep A&E free to treat the most serious conditions by accessing help from NHS 111 online for non-life-threatening medical issues.”

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