Monday, May 13, 2024

School bus drivers to strike for 5 days


School bus drivers, who are members of the NIPSA union, will take strike action in May and June

School bus drivers in Northern Ireland who are members of the Nipsa union will strike for five days across May and June.

The union is taking the action over pay and grading.

The Nipsa, Unison, Unite and GMB trade unions issued a joint statement on Monday after a series of meetings with the Department of Education.

They said industrial action will intensify in the run-up to the summer.

School bus drivers in Nipsa will strike from the 20 to 22 May, and on the 3 and 4 of June.

The union's deputy general secretary, Patrick Mulholland said education workers "feel betrayed and insulted by the failure of the NI Assembly to address the pay and grading review issues".

He added: "Workers in education have been pushed into poverty and urgently need these issues addressed."

Mr Mulholland said that if the issue is not resolved, there will be "intensified action" up to the summer and "a storm of industrial strife in September".

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