Monday, May 13, 2024



U.S. senator calls for Gaza to be treated like Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Friend of genocide Lindsey Graham demands US keep sending Israel bombs to ‘finish the job’

US senator Lindsey Graham has demanded that the US keep sending Israel bombs to use on Palestinian civilians in Gaza – and has justified his demand by comparing Gaza to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese cities on which the US dropped atomic bombs to end Japan’s resistance in World War II.G

Graham has received over a million dollars from pro-Israel lobby groups:

Video from HiddenPalestine

Graham and his murderous ilk, like the Israeli far-right government, are outraged that Biden – in a move most think is a cynical attempt to rescue his re-election chances – has paused delivery of the largest bombs to Israel while it is invading Rafah, where more than a million starving Palestinians were corralled by Israeli forces. The friends of genocide are truly ready to annihilate everyone – men, women and children – to preserve the apartheid state. Their place is in The Hague.

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