Thursday, May 09, 2024


Cleaners at £15,000 a year school vote to strike over poverty pay

Cleaners at Blackheath Prep Photo: United Voices of the World


MIGRANTS being exploited on poverty pay while working as cleaners for an elite London private school have voted to take strike action.

Members of United Voices of the World union at Blackheath Prep are due to walk out, demanding the London Living Wage (LLW), the same sick leave as directly employed staff, and paid lunch breaks.

Workers currently take home £11.44 per hour, while the school charges over £15,000 per year per pupil.

Ecuadorean cleaner Judit Morales said: “Migrant cleaners face exploitation because we don’t know our rights or speak English fluently.

“We are not being paid the London Living Wage and we don’t get sick pay, although we are highly exposed to diseases as school cleaners.

“We end up working while sick because we don’t get paid if we need to take time off.”

UVW says the contractor, Westgate Cleaning Services, has repeatedly refused to negotiate improved terms and conditions including paying the LLW of £13.15 per hour.

Santa Perez, from the Dominican Republic said: “As a single mum with four small kids I find it near impossible to make ends meet on such a low salary.

“We’ve been asking for the London Living Wage (LLW) for some time now, but it’s been denied to us. So the time has come to do something about it.”

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