Friday, May 24, 2024


UP 8 Sanitation Workers Die in Past 10 Days Due to Hazardous Cleaning, Activists Call For FIR

Sabrang India 

Authorities failed to provides safety equipment to the workers, these deaths are testimony that manual scavenging is still prevalent in India even after a blanket ban under the MS Act, 2013

Sanitation workers die in UP. Image credit: Mooknayak

On May 15, a press conference held at the Press Club of India under the banner of Dalit Adivasi Shakti Adhikar Manch (DASAM) and Justice News while expressing their concern over the “8 deaths due to manual scavenging in 10 days in Uttar Pradesh”, activists and advocates demanded that FIR be immediately lodged under Manual Scavenging Act and relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code against the culprits.

The conference was held by the Colin Gonsalves (Sr. Advocate), Roma Malik (General Secretary, AIUFWP), Indira Unninayar (Sr. Advocate) and Sanjeev Kumar (Secretary, DASAM).

The panel of activist and advocates said that in UP, despite the law prohibiting manual scavenging and hazardous cleaning under the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 and Supreme Court’s guidelines, state authority failed to prevent the incident of manual scavenging and responsible for not providing protective gears to the workers.

Talking to reporters, members of DASAM alleged that on May 2, a 57-year-old man and his 30-year-old son died while they were preparing a sewer line in Lucknow’s Wazirgang area. No officials from Jal Nigam visited the site for two hours and by the time they were taken to hospital, they were declared dead, they alleged.

8 workers dies within 10 days in Uttar Pradesh:

Recently, Uttar Pradesh witnessed 8 deaths within a short period 10 days due to manual scavenging.

On May 2, Shroban Yadav, 57, and his son Sushil Yadav, 30, were died while testing a sewer line in Lucknow’s Wazirganj area without safety equipment gears.

On May 3, two daily wage workers, Kokan Mandal, 40, and Nooni Mandal, 36, were died while cleaning the septic tank of a private residence in Noida Sector 26.

On May 9, four people died from inhaling toxic gases while cleaning the septic tank of a house in Mughalsarai, Chandauli. Three of the victims, Vinod Rawat, 35 Kundan, 42 and Loha, 23, were informal sanitation workers while the fourth victim was the son of the house owner who died while trying to save the workers.

A senior advocate of the Supreme Court and founder of Human Rights Law Network Colin Gonsalves said, “It is horrifying that workers are forced to enter sewer line without any protocol, machines or oxygen gears to clean sewer line.

The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013:

Under the.” MS Act of 2013” Manual scavenging is a prohibited activity in India. The provisions of the Act provides that no person or agency can engage or employ any person for manual scavenging. Any person or agency who engages any person for manual scavenging in violation of the provisions of the MS Act, 2013 is punishable under Section 8 of the above Act, with imprisonment up to 2 years or fine up to Rs. 1 Lakh or both.

Radhika Bordia, an independent journalist, said two daily wage workers died on May 3 after inhaling toxic gases while cleaning a septic tank of a private residence in Noida Sector 26.

“Another incident was reported from Mughalsarai where four people were killed while cleaning septic tank of a private residence,” she said.

Bordia said that even after such incidents police do not take strict action. She further stressed that “Under the Manual Scavenging Act, there is a law to rehabilitate the family members of any victim, providing government job to one of the family members and proper compensation,” another activist Roma said, adding that the process was not being carried out.

Compensations not provided to the victims:

Roma Malik, a senior activist from the All India Union of Forest Working People said that “in October 2023 the Supreme Court ordered a compensation of 30 lakhs to the families of victims of manual scavenging which has not reached any of the victims so far. Allegedly, the District Administration promised to provide only ₹4 lakh ex gratia to each deceased in the incident in Chandauli. In India the lives of workers are considered cheap and inexpensive and they can only safeguard their rights through unionization”.

Delhi Waste Pickers: Integrating Social Protection, Climate Justice, Labour Rights

Shalaka Chauhan , Haris Najib | 11 May 2024

It is critical to highlight the frequently overlooked impact of the climate crisis and insufficient social and legal protections for waste pickers in the country’s capital city.

As global discussions on climate change intensify, there is a growing emphasis on finding solutions to, adapt to and mitigate its impacts. Among the many variables causing climate change, the increasing waste crisis emerges as a significant threat. Nowhere is this more palpable than in countries such as India, where rising consumerism has caused an unchecked increase in waste generation that has resulted in the growth of landfills. On this Labour Day, as we reflect on the contributions and struggles of the global working class, it is critical to highlight the frequently overlooked impact of the climate crisis and the insufficient social and legal protections for waste pickers. Amidst these challenges, waste pickers in India and globally deserve more attention and support.

Waste pickers, also known as rag pickers, are individuals who collect, sort and recycle materials from the waste stream. Operating mainly in the informal economy across the globe, they navigate through landfills, dumps and city streets, recycling materials such as plastics, paper, glass and metals.

Despite the hazardous working and living conditions and social stigma they face, waste pickers persevere, driven by the necessity to earn a livelihood. It should be noted that waste pickers in India predominantly belong to marginalised communities such as Dalit, Bahujan, Pasmanda Muslim, Vimukta and Adivasi.

The role of informal waste pickers extends far beyond mere collection and sorting. They serve as the backbone of the recycling industry by diverting significant volumes of waste from landfills and incinerators. By recovering reusable materials, waste pickers mitigate the environmental impact of waste disposal, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources.

This way, their efforts contribute to the circular economy, where materials are recycled, reused and reintegrated into the production process, minimising waste generation and maximising resource efficiency.
The interconnection of waste management, climate change and environmental sustainability

Among the top three methane-emitting sectors— after agriculture and oil and gas— the waste sector stands out, accounting for roughly 20 percent of human-driven methane emissions worldwide.

Improper disposal of waste, particularly organic waste, leads to the release of methane— a potent greenhouse gas— into the atmosphere. Landfills and dumps become breeding grounds for methane emissions that exacerbate global warming and contribute to climate instability.

Waste pickers in India predominantly belong to Dalit, Bahujan, Pasmanda Muslim, Vimukta, Adivasi and other marginalised communities.

The extraction and production of materials for manufacturing purposes consume vast amounts of energy and resources that deplete and degrade ecosystems. In contrast, recycling and reusing materials conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate pressure on natural resources.

The manual waste management practices carried out by waste pickers play a significant role in mitigating climate change and advancing environmental sustainability.

The Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) devised a calculator and a methodology for quantifying the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions facilitated by waste pickers.

This tool has been widely embraced by waste picker collectives worldwide demonstrating their substantial contribution to greenhouse gas mitigation and bolstering the advocacy for recognition, support and fair compensation for their labour.

In 2020, waste pickers belonging to Colombia’s Association of Recyclers of Bogotá (ARB) prevented the emission of over 407 thousand tonnes of CO2 equivalent (eCO2), while India’s SWaCH cooperative mitigated emissions by more than 211 tons of CO2.
Climate change and waste pickers of Delhi

While climate change affects everyone globally, its impact varies across different communities. Climate change disproportionately affects marginalised and economically disadvantaged communities, with waste pickers standing among those most impacted.

Despite their critical role in mitigating climate change and improving health and hygiene practices, waste pickers face challenges stemming from the climate crisis, along with precarious socio-economic statuses and limited access to social protection and security.

By recovering reusable materials, waste pickers mitigate the environmental impact of waste disposal, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources.

For waste pickers, climate change manifests in various ways, including disruptions to waste collection activities caused by extreme weather events such as floods, drought and heat waves.

Changes in waste composition and contamination levels due to climate-related factors further complicate waste sorting and recycling processes, heightening the occupational and health risks faced by waste pickers.

“Jab paani bhar jaata hain, toh saara maal kharab ho jaata hai, jiska matlab saari kamai.”
(When there is a flood, all the goods (collected waste) get spoiled, which means all the earnings.)
—Imran, waste picker, Seemapuri (Delhi)

During Delhi’s monsoon season, the city’s streets become waterlogged due to heavy rainfall. For waste pickers such as Imran, who is a father of three, this period brings a lot of uncertainty.

He has to navigate through knee-high waters while searching for recyclable materials amidst the dirt and debris. Despite the dangers of contamination and illness, Imran continues his work, motivated by the need to support his family.

However, the rain poses challenges for him. His collected materials often get spoiled, which means he loses out on his livelihood. On average, he segregates about 20 kilograms of waste per day, and when these materials get damaged, it directly impacts his daily income.

Additionally, the heavy rain makes transportation difficult for Imran. With his waste materials, he is not allowed on buses, making it even harder for him to transport his goods and continue his work.

Moreover, the waste that Imran stores also gets spoiled due to the rain, further exacerbating his challenges during this difficult period.
“Ab garam loo zyada lagti hai pichle saalo se, garmiyo ke mahine bhi badh gaye aur tapmaan bhi.”

(Now the heat waves are more severe than in previous years, the summer months have increased and so have the temperatures.)
—Maya, waste picker in Seemapuri (Delhi)

On the other hand, waste pickers such as Maya face tough challenges because of Delhi’s scorching heat waves that last nearly four-five months each year. Maya walks 20 kilometers every day through the city’s hot streets under the blazing sun.

Dehydration and heatstroke are constant dangers, making her already difficult job even tougher. Unfortunately, she often falls sick due to these extreme conditions.

With 10 hours of work every day, in addition to household responsibilities, Maya’s health deteriorates further during heatwaves. To combat the heat, she carries water with her when she goes out for waste collection. However, due to the lack of segregation space near the residential colony where she collects waste, similar to Imran, she has to come home to do the segregation. This adds extra strain to her already challenging routine.

Improper disposal of waste, particularly organic waste, leads to the release of methane— a potent greenhouse gas— into the atmosphere.

These challenges primarily stem from the poor working conditions characterised by extended work hours, low wages, lack of space and infrastructure for segregation and hazardous work environments.

Compounded by a lack of legal recognition and social protections, waste pickers find themselves at the margins of society, devoid of the rights and privileges accorded to formal workers.

Persistent exposure to toxins, pathogens and sharp objects poses significant threats to their physical well-being. This exposure manifests in the form of respiratory ailments, skin infections and musculoskeletal disorders. Such health concerns also tell us a lot about poor occupational safety protocols and the provision of accessible healthcare services to waste pickers.

The stories of Imran and Maya highlight the challenges faced by at least 200,000 waste pickers in Delhi, the majority of whom are women. Living in cramped colonies without basic amenities such as water and sanitation, they reside in makeshift dwellings that serve as both their homes and workplaces. These kuccha structures dedicate a significant portion of their space to waste segregation areas.

They regularly face displacement due to inadequate housing options and facilities in the city. During heavy rainfall, the streets flood and their few possessions become soaked, and the makeshift dwelling feels unstable.

Coping with floods is incredibly challenging for the waste pickers. Despite the difficult circumstances, they struggle to stay safe and continue their work.

Similarly, the rising temperatures caused by climate change worsen the risks of heat-related illnesses and dehydration for waste pickers. As heatwaves become more frequent and last longer, the harsh conditions waste pickers work under take a toll on their health and well-being.

This highlights the urgent need for actions to reduce the effects of climate change on vulnerable communities. The waste pickers’ community living near landfills faces especially challenging conditions, as they work in environments where temperatures are much higher, and their homes are frequently destroyed by debris during heavy rainfall.

The narratives of Imran and Maya expose the intersecting challenges faced by waste pickers in Delhi and the harsh realities of their daily lives. Their stories are evidence of the urgent need for collective action to address the vulnerabilities and injustices experienced by marginalised communities such as waste pickers, who bear the brunt of environmental degradation and socio-economic inequities.
The way forward

In Delhi, waste pickers need to be at the forefront of initiatives that integrate climate-resilient waste management practices into urban plans and policies. Through collaborative partnerships with local authorities and grassroots organisations, waste picker unions and associations such as Basti Suraksha Manch and Safai Sena are making a difference.

For waste pickers, climate change manifests in various ways, including disruptions to waste collection activities caused by extreme weather events such as floods, drought and heat waves.

Through capacity-building workshops and skill development programmes, they work with waste pickers to adapt to climate change and mitigate its impacts.

While the efforts of waste picker unions and advocacy groups are crucial, the systematisation and scaling-up of these efforts require the attention and support of policymakers and the government.

It is time for policymakers to stop paying lip service to sustainability and start taking concrete actions to support waste pickers. Systematisation involves institutionalising and formalising the integration of waste pickers into municipal waste management systems, ensuring sustainability and effectiveness in the long term.

Collaboration between government agencies, waste picker unions, grassroots organisations and other stakeholders is crucial for developing comprehensive and inclusive waste management policies and programmes. This collaborative approach allows for the sharing of knowledge, expertise and resources that leads to more effective and sustainable outcomes.

Proactive measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change are essential for building climate resilience in waste picker communities. This may involve implementing disaster preparedness and response plans, providing access to climate-resilient housing and supporting community-based adaptation initiatives.

Rising temperatures caused by climate change worsen the risks of heat-related illnesses and dehydration for waste pickers.

By integrating waste pickers into climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, policymakers can leverage their local knowledge and expertise to enhance the resilience of both urban and rural communities.

Shalaka Chauhan is a researcher and a PhD scholar at Dr B.R. Ambedkar University.

Haris Najib is a policy researcher and former assistant national coordinator of the Alliance of Indian Waste Pickers (AIW).

Bihar: Unemployment, Price Rise Dominate, but Caste Factor Still Matters in Poll Campaigns

Mohd. Imran Khan 

At the local level, candidates of both NDA and the Opposition Mahagathbandhan seem to be banking heavily on caste equations.

Patna: Though on the surface, the dominant issues among people are rozgar, berozgari, mehagai, garibi and vikas (employment, unemployment, price rise, poverty and development) in Bihar during the ongoing Lok Sabha election campaign, but in reality, caste is turning out to be as important an issue, if not more, for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance as well as the opposition Mahagathbandhan. Both the alliances are banking on caste factor.

The caste factor and caste equations remain a key deciding element for support and vote among people in rural and urban areas.

According to political watchers here, caste has always played a vital role in Bihar politics, though there are exception like 2019 Lok Sabha polls when hyper Hindu nationalism and Hindutva overshadowed the caste factor.

"It is accepted fact that caste equations play a major role in deciding candidates and their winnability factor. This is true for all parties", S N Madan, an analyst tld NewsClick.

Madan said that caste is a deciding factor for political parties in Bihar is clear from the fact that they have taken care to field candidates to suit the caste equation on the ground.

For instance, for BJP, the upper castes matter more than others. This is evident as the saffron party has played a calculated caste card in selecting candidates for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. It has fielded 10 upper castes out its total17 candidates in the fray.

"We are confident of overwhelming support of upper castes in favour of BJP, there are no ifs and buts, "a senior BJP leader said.

In BJP's list of candidates, five belong to the Rajput caste, followed by two for the Bhumihar caste, two Brahmins and one from the Kayastha community.

The party has renominated most of its upper caste MPs, except Ashwani Kumar Choubey, who is a Union Minister. Choubey is a sitting MP from Buxar Lok Sabha seat and has been replaced by Mithilesh Tiwari, a young party MLA.

What has surprised poll-watchers is that BJP has not changed its old faces, contrary to reports that new faces will replace them. It has renominated Union ministers R K Singh from Ara, Griraj Singh from Begusarai and former Union ministers Rajeev Pratap Rudy from Saran, Ravi Shankar Prasad from Patna Sahib and Radha Mohan Singh from East Champaran.

In the caste-ridden politics of the state, since the early 1990s, the BJP has been heavily relying on its upper caste vote bank and has emerged as a significant party in Bihar that claims to safeguard their interests.

Political watchers say that upper castes have been overwhelmingly backing BJP in post-Mandal politics.

Ironically, the population of upper castes has come down in the state after the 2011 census. As per last year’s Bihar caste survey, the population of upper castes, locally known as savarnas, has declined to 15.52%, including 2.86% Bhumihars, 3.66% Brahmins,3.45% Rajputs and 0.60% Kayasths. The remaining 4.8% are upper castes among Muslims, including Syeds, Sheikhs and Pathans.

As per the Bihar caste survey, there are 215 castes in Bihar and the total population of Bihar is 13.7 crore, which includes 36% Extreme Backward Classes (EBCs,) 27% Other Backward Classes (OBCs), (OBCs and EBCs together account for 63%), 19% SCs (Dalits) and 1.68% STs (Adivasis).

Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) has also fielded candidates in different parliamentary constituencies on the basis of caste. Eleven of the party’s 16 candidates are from OBCs and EBCs.

Similarly, while Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav are raising issues of employment, price rise and development in their election campaign, their candidates are eyeing to strengthen caste equations in their favour.

The RJD has given more weightage to Yadavs, a powerful OBC caste. in selecting candidates. The party has fielded nine candidates belonging to Yadavs, followed by candidates from EBCs and OBCs, Dalits and Muslims.

Yadavs constitute more than14% of the state's population. They are considered not only loyal toRJDS chief Lalu Prasad, but also a strong force to counter upper caste dominance in state politics. The combination of Yadavs and Muslims, who constitute 17%  of the population, is a core support base of RJD.

After Lalu Prasad and his younger son Tejashwi Yadav, who is leading the campaign of the opposition Mahagathbandhan, raised the issue of threat to change of the Constitution that guarantees reservation to Dalits, OBCs and EBCs if the NDA government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi returns to power for third time, top BJP leaders, including Modi, Amit Shah and even Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh or RSS, have repeatedly assured people that there was no plan to change Constitution and that reservation would continue. This is another example of how caste matters in elections in the state.

The star campaigners of both NDA and Mahagathbandhan might be urging people to rise above caste and community, cautioning people not to vote on the basis of caste, but their election strategies on the ground are still caste-centric.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Comment: Search results for DALIT 

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