Sunday, June 23, 2024


Op-Ed: Just Stop Oil – Not stopping oil, annoying Greens, and making anti-oil look bad


By Paul Wallis
June 20, 2024


Just Stop Oil has been making all the wrong noises too often. Attacking Stonehenge was an incredibly bad and very ugly move, guaranteed to infuriate Greens. It comes on top of other useless vandalism attacks and some of the worst publicity any supposedly Green movement could want.

If you check out the lengthy list of irritating news about Just Stop Oil, there’s not much to like. Just Stop Oil started in 2021, and since then has achieved remarkably little.

The group acts like the 1970s “radicals”, creating impossibly hostile scenarios for dialog with any government, oil company or stakeholders. It has started an argument nobody can win.

Oil is a problem. The oil sector is too backward, stupid, and insular to realize it can repurpose all of its products away from fuels. The sector doesn’t even need to tweak distribution or anything else. All it needs to do is, just make other, non-polluting products. Apparently, that’s too difficult.

You can’t stop billions of oil dollars with cheap stupid and counterproductive publicity stunts. You can’t stop it with self-righteousness. You’re not offering alternative solutions; you’re just making a racket.

Just Stop Oil is effectively creating sympathy for the oil sector simply because of its extremely offensive and idiotic targeting of inoffensive subjects. No Green is ever going to agree with this ultra-dumb vandalism.

The targeting of these so-called protests is also highly questionable. What is supposed to be achieved by attacking the Rugby World Cup? That audience isn’t famous for its Green sympathies. Nor is Wimbledon.

When did Van Gogh’s Sunflowers poison the world? How did Stonehenge become responsible for a brain-dead energy sector? How did Les Miserables contribute to global warming?

No direct Just Stop Oil protests against actual oil companies seem to happen. There’s not an atom of orange paint on a Chevron, Exxon, or BP property, or anything else. Why?

This looks far more like a brazen right-wing negative publicity campaign than any kind of legit climate protest group. They have achieved precisely nothing. They will continue to achieve nothing if they continue with this worthless attention-getting charade.

An extremely old McCarthyist tactic is to discredit opposition groups by joining them and carrying out destructive actions in their names. The Black Bloc, which used to show up at environmental protests, would “help” protect the Amazon by burning people’s cars. That, of course, antagonized just about everyone and got far more publicity than the protest or the issues. It also discredited the real protesters.

The net effect of this absurdly over-the-top conspicuous “extremism”, of course, is hyper-polarization. One of the easiest anti-environmental tricks is to simply paint environmentalists as whackos. The actual issue, which is just cleaning up a toxic world, gets lost in the negative imagery.

That’s been going on for 50 years at least. It’s also one of the reasons so little has been done about the plague of environmental disasters. Governments and companies feel safe not “giving in” to supposed nutcases.

I think it’s fair to say that no real Greens want any part of Just Stop Oil.

I certainly don’t. They’re ridiculous.

Goodbye Just Stop Oil, and back to Central Casting with you.

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