Sunday, June 23, 2024

'Flat as a pancake': Trump supporters claim Earth isn't round in viral video

David Edwards
June 13, 2024 

The Good Liars/screen grab

A new viral video showed supporters of Donald Trump arguing that the Earth is flat.

According to The Good Liars, a comedy duo, the video was filmed at a rally for Trump. It had over a million views by Thursday.

"Is the Earth round or flat?" Jason Selvig of The Good Liars asked one Trump supporter.

"It's flat," the supporter stated.

Another Trump fan insisted the U.S. "didn't go to the moon" because "you can't get out of the atmosphere."

One supporter claimed NASA used computer graphics to trick the public into believing the Earth was a sphere.

"From NASA's pictures, right? And you know of CGI, right?" he said. "So I believe in the Bible, in Genesis, under the dome. It plainly tells you there, a firmament, dome."

"So it's as flat as a pancake."

Watch the video below from The Good Liars.

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