Monday, June 10, 2024

'He’s truly lost his mind': Lindsey Graham ripped after calling D-Day a 'failure' on CBS


Tom Boggioni
June 9, 2024

Lindsey Graham on CBS (CBS screenshot)

A nuanced attempt by Sen. Linsey Graham (R-SC) to assert that the U.S. should never have been in the position to have to launch the Normandy invasion 80 years ago fell with a thud on Sunday morning after he told a CBS host that D-Day was a "failure."

Discussing battling Russian President Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine, Graham tried to compare that war with fighting Nazi Germany.

With members of the Allies having spent the past few days honoring the D-Day fallen, Graham's inartful comments with Margaret Brennan of CBS set off a wave of condemnation on social media, with attorney Bradley Moss writing about the posted clip, "Tell me that’s fake. Please tell me that’s fake."
— (@)

Stewcat2006 wrote, "Man, Graham is soooooo close to catching on how important it is to stop a facist wannabe dictator before he gains too much power…"

With another commenter suggesting, "He's truly lost his mind," SnarkyPanda added, "He's backing Hitler Jr while saying people should have stopped Hitler earlier."

"Politicians who make statements like this are beneath the dignity of this country. We will never be whole as long as traitors serve in the highest positions in government. Graham is disgraceful," Just A Guy accused.

Marc Goldstein contributed, "Because Fascists are running rampant again 80 years later? Don't blame the heroes of D-Day for that, Lindsey. Look for the reason in a mirror."

"What a vile little man," Covfefe added with Colette Flanigan writing, "You know what WAS a failure? You and Trump trying a coup against America on 1/6. You failed."

Joey Bonanno summed it up with a direct link to Graham, writing, "Your abhorrent statement about D -Day should get you removed from office, unfortunately the stupid voters in S Carolina clutch bibles and parks and guns on voting day, they don’t give a dam about Democracy, you sir, you’re a disgrace to the flag."

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