Monday, June 17, 2024


Killing of 2 Cattle Transport Workers ‘Premeditated’: AIKS Accuses Chhattisgarh Police of Bias

Newsclick Report 

The farmers’ body demanded that the NDA government enact a law to prevent mob lynching and hate crimes in the name of cow protection.

New Delhi: The All-India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) has condemned the brutal killing of two cattle transport workers and injuring of another on the Mahasamund-Raipur border in Chhattisgarh last week (June 7), ostensibly in the name of cow protection.

Alleging that the attack was “premeditated”, the farmers’ body said a group of 15-20 people had been tailing the truck carrying cattle toward Odisha and had “put nails on the bridge to deflate the tyres”.

“Tehseen Qureshi died on the spot and Chand Khan was declared dead after reaching the hospital. Another worker Saddam Qureshi suffered severe injuries and is in hospital. It is very clear that this is an incident of premeditated murder and a hate crime, and not a mob lynching,” AIKS said in a statement. The workers were from Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh,

The farmers’ body accused the Chhattisgarh Police of “communal bias in registering the FIR avoiding Section 302 of IPC in the dreadful incident of brutal murder of two transport workers.”

AIKS demanded a judicial enquiry, immediate arrest of culprits and prosecution, compensation of Rs 50 lakh each to the families of the deceased and Rs 20 lakh for the injured.

It also demanded that the newly sworn in NDA government at the Centre enact a law to prevent mob lynching and hate crimes.


Read the full statement below:

 Press Statement by AIKS

*AIKS accuses State Police of Chhattisgarh of Communal Bias* 

*Demands Judicial Enquiry, Immediate Arrest of the Culprits and Prosecution, Compensation of Rs 50 Lakh each to the Families of the Deceased and Rs 20 Lakh to the Injured* 

*Demands that Parliament Enact a Law to Prevent Mob Lynching and Hate Crimes and Establish Fast Track Court for Speedy Trial and Conviction*  

AIKS has strongly protested the brutal murder of two cattle transport workers and the severe injury to another worker between 2 and 3 am on 7th June 2024 on the Mahanadi Bridge, in the Mahasamund–Raipur Border, Chhattisgarh, by criminal gangsters. The culprits – a group of 15-20 people – had been following the truck load of animals travelling towards Odisha, put nails on the bridge to deflate the tyres and after stopping the truck, the drivers were attacked, beaten severely and thrown to the rocks 30 feet below the bridge. Tehseen Qureshi died on the spot and Chand Khan was declared dead after reaching the hospital. Another worker Saddam Qureshi suffered severe injuries and is in hospital. It is very clear that this is an incident of premeditated murder and a hate crime, and not a mob lynching.  

However, as per the State Police, the FIR has been registered under Section 304 and 307 of IPC for attempt to murder and culpable homicide that attracts punishment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with a fine, or with both. There is no Section 302 of IPC for murder. The police justify this serious omission as suspected mob lynching in the name of cow protection.

AIKS strongly condemns the Chhattisgarh State Police for its rabidly communal bias in registering the FIR avoiding Section 302 of IPC in the dreadful incident of brutal murder of two transport workers. AIKS demands that the Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma in charge of the Home Portfolio ensure rule of law in the state of Chhattisgarh, take strong action against the top police officers involved in the conspiracy to protect the murderers, immediate arrest of all the criminals and ensure unbiased prosecution. AIKS strongly demands a judicial enquiry into the incident, including the role of the police in protecting the criminals.

Though the workers are from Saharanpur of Uttar Pradesh, the BJP-led state government also is silent, without making any intervention to ensure justice to the hapless families of the murdered workers. AIKS condemns the callous attitude of the BJP-led state governments of both the states and demands compensation of Rs 50 lakh each to the family of both deceased workers and Rs 20 lakh to the severely injured worker.

Most of the political parties of Chhattisgarh are so far silent on the brutal murder and the callous attitude of the state government. This is highly unfortunate. The Chhattisgarh Kisan Sabha and other Kisan organisations have strongly condemned the murder.

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The cattle economy is a part of agriculture contributing 27% of the income of farmer households. India is the second largest country in beef export. The attack on cattle traders and workers affects the cattle trade and farmers are unable to sell their animals and get remunerative prices.

AIKS strongly demands the NDA-led Union Government and the newly elected Parliament to enact a law to prevent mob lynching and hate crimes in the name of cow protection, to establish fast track courts to expedite trial and conviction in order to protect the interests of the cattle farmers, traders and workers in the Industry. 

Ashok Dhawale, President                        

Vijoo Krishnan, General Secretary

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