Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Wildfire started by Turkish bombardment in Metina continues to rage

The occupying Turkish state carried out an airstrike on the villages in the foothills of Mêtîna Mountain in South Kurdistan. While the fire in the area continues to rage, gardens and trees have turned to ashes.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024
The Turkish state bombarded the villages of Kanê and Sêgirî at the foot of Metîna Mountain on Tuesday, 18 June.

The fire that started as a result of the bombardment in the area continues. Gardens and hundreds of trees belonging to the villagers were engulfed in flames and burnt down.

While the fire extinguishing teams were not deployed to the area, the people are trying to extinguish the fire by their own means.

HBDH militia sabotage a factory in response to the usurpation of people’s will in North Kurdistan

HBDH Halil Aksakal Militia vowed to “take action wherever we are until the attacks against the Kurdish people and the democratic gains of the united struggle come to an end."

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

The Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement (HBDH) Halil Aksakal Militia reported that they sabotaged a factory in Tuzla in response to the usurpation of Hakkari Municipality which was won by the DEM Party in the 31 March local elections but was handed over to a government-appointed trustee after the imprisonment of the democratically elected co-mayor, Mehmet Sıddık Akış, on June 3.

"On June 18, at around 10:00 in the morning, a sabotage action was carried out by HBDH Halil Aksakal Militia against a factory producing automotive spare parts in Tuzla Leather Organised Industrial Zone. The factory was damaged by millions of liras," said the statement released by the HBDH Militia on Wednesday.

The statement continued: "The fascist-barbaric AKP-MHP regime is trying to prolong the life of its rotten power by persecuting the people on the one hand and usurping their will on the other. Since the day the trustee was appointed (to Hakkari Municipality), the Kurdish people and their friends, putting up resistance, not recognising the trustee appointed by the fascist regime and holding vigils and protests in front of the people's municipalities, especially in Hakkari, insist on democratic free life on the basis of a united struggle against the rising wave of fascism."

The statement added: "As HBDH Militia, we will continue to take the side of the people and respond by taking actions wherever we are until the attacks against the Kurdish people and the democratic gains of the united struggle come to an end."

Guerrilla Amed: Resistance will always win in Kurdistan

Bêrîtan Amed, one of the fighters of the women's guerrillas, YJA Star, spoke about the massive guerrilla resistance to the Turkish invasion of the Medya Defense Areas.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 10:34

While the Turkish army repeatedly suffers heavy losses on the ground in all attempts to occupy the Medya Defense Areas, killer drones have been an important pillar of its occupation strategy. However, on Newroz 2024, the guerrillas announced that they had a new air defense system and documented its capabilities in a series of videos. Since then, the high-tech killer drones that the Turkish state is so proud of have been systematically shot down.

Bêrîtan Amed from the Free Women’s Units (YJA Star) spoke about the war in the Medya Defense Areas.

"The centre of the war is in Imrali"

Guerrilla Amed does not see the centre of the war in the Kurdistan region, but in Imrali, where the Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan has been held in the most severe solitary confinement since 1999. There has been no sign of life from him for more than three years.

Guerrilla Amed said: "The Turkish occupying state is waging the hardest war against Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] on Imrali. The war has reached its most brutal and highest level there. Since the enemy failed because of Rêber Apo's resistance, it began to intensify its attacks more and more. But this war is dragging the Turkish state further into the abysm. The result is a defeat that is felt not only militarily, but also economically and politically. The Turkish state is carrying out annihilating attacks against the guerrillas. Thermobaric, chemical and internationally banned weapons are being used. The HPG and YJA Star are providing the necessary response to this with their resistance. We learned resistance and struggle from Rêber Apo. Just as he resisted in Imrali, we are resisting in the Medya Defense Areas."

"The drones are being shot down one by one"

Guerrilla Amed continued: "It is not possible for the Turkish state to destroy the guerrillas. Because all the technical superiority and all the vile methods are being destroyed by the guerrillas. Their planes and Cobra attack helicopters are being destroyed by the guerrillas. For this reason, the enemy is resorting to poison gas and prohibited weapons. They want to achieve success with these inhumane methods. Although the Turkish occupation army is constantly developing its war technology, the guerrillas are also finding suitable solutions.

The drones that the fascist Turkish state is so proud of are being shot down by the guerrillas. On 27 May, for example, yet another drone was destroyed by the guerrillas. Another one was destroyed on 6 June and two more in the past ten days. The Turkish state is trying to keep this secret. But everyone can now see how the guerrillas are thwarting the technology of the occupying army. The Turkish state's killer drones and reconnaissance planes are being destroyed one after the other in the skies of Kurdistan. The Kurdistan line of resistance will always win."


Turkish army launches military operations in Hasankeyf and Ağrı

The Turkish army has launched a military operation in Hasankeyf and fighting has broken out. The village of Xirbêkûr has been sealed off militarily and a curfew has been imposed. Internet and telephone connections have been interrupted.

Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 16:19

Fighting broke out last night in the district of Hasankeyf in Batman province during a military operation launched by the Turkish army. The village of Xirbêkûr (Palamut), which is located in the operation area, was cordoned off by the military and access is prohibited. Nobody is allowed to leave the village, the internet and telephone connections have been interrupted. The fighting continues, with helicopters circling over the area. According to the Batman Governorate, entering and leaving Xirbêkûr is prohibited until 3 July.

On the other hand, the Turkish army started another operation in the region of Mount Ağrı. A large number of soldiers and police are taking part in the operation which is accompanied by intense aerial activity. According to reports from the ground, entrances to many plateaus in the region are banned.

Curfews are not uncommon in Kurdish villages in Turkey and place an immense burden on the local population. People are unable to feed their animals, and agriculture, their main source of income, comes to a standstill and children cannot go to school for weeks on end.

HPG guerrilla: The occupying Turkish state cannot break our will

HPG fighter Qendîl Kureyşan emphasised that the occupying Turkish state cannot break the will of the guerrillas and defeat them even if it cooperates with the treacherous Kurds and receives the support of NATO.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Qendîl Kureyşan, one of the HPG (People's Defense Forces) guerrillas taking part in the resistance against the Turkish state's attacks on the guerrilla-held Medya Defence Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq), spoke to ANF.

Kureyşan emphasised that the Turkish occupying state has been propagandising for years to destroy the guerrillas with drones, but these drones are being taken out of the sky "one by one" by the guerrillas' air defence system. Regarding the use of unconventional bombs and chemical weapons by the Turkish army, he said: "This actually only shows how helpless the Turkish occupying state is against the guerrillas."

"We have reached an important level in our struggle"

Kureyşan pointed out that the Turkish state is trying to suppress the Kurds' demands for their rights through war and continued: "Everyone can see how the guerrillas are resisting and how they are letting these dirty alliances against them fail. They used to say that the Kurds could not come together and fight. Today the Kurds are fighting against the second-strongest army in NATO. As the guerrillas of Kurdistan, we are fighting against the forces that say 'we have the best technique and technology' and we are defeating them. We have reached an important stage in our struggle. We have great war experience. We can now fight against all kinds of advanced technology. This is not something ordinary, but something very significant for the Kurdish people."

"Determination, courage and knowledge"

The HPG guerrilla emphasised that achieving this goal was not easy: "Something like this requires great conviction and determination. At the same time, a certain level of technical knowledge, expertise and professionalism is required to fight against modern technology. The guerrillas today have such power. The guerrilla is not only strong-willed and courageous, but also masters technology and knows nature. Creative tactics are implemented day and night, in all seasons and under the most difficult conditions. The enemy cannot occupy Kurdistan so easily.”

"Guerrillas use special techniques"

Commenting on the guerrillas' more recent ability to also take action against attacks from the air, Kureyşan said: "This also shows that new tactics and methods are being used. The Turkish occupation state cannot break our will. Even if the enemy co-operates with the treacherous Kurds or is supported by NATO, it will not be able to defeat us. The state propagates that the guerrillas have been destroyed, but this is not the case. We see that the guerrillas are shooting the reconnaissance planes of the Turkish occupation state out of the skies of Kurdistan one after the other. This also shows what level the guerrillas have reached. The Turkish occupying state can no longer hide its failure."

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