Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Despite protests, Serbia readies to mine lithium as early as 2028 with Reuters
 Jun 18, 2024

A protestor holds a sign reading 'Rio Tinto, Get out of Serbia' during a rally against plans to start mining lithium in Serbia, in Belgrade, Serbia, 13 April 2024

Plans to open lithium mines in Serbia were halted in 2021 after environmental groups started protesting against the proposed projects in different parts of Serbia but several wildlife preservation organizations and NGOs are warning that Rio Tinto and other mining companies have restarted their intentions for operations in the country.


Languages: Bulgarian

President Aleksandar Vučić said Serbia could exploit lithium as early as 2028 following new guarantees from Australian mining giant Rio Tinto and the EU over the controversial project, the Financial Times reported on Sunday (16 June).

According to Rio Tinto, Jadar in western Serbia holds one of Europe’s largest reserves of lithium — a strategically valuable metal crucial for electric vehicle battery production.

The deposits were discovered in 2004 but the Serbian government halted the mining project in 2022 after weeks of protests sparked by fears for the environment and public health.

Vučić told the Financial Times that the mining giant and the European Union had given “new guarantees” regarding compliance with environmental standards.

“If we deliver on everything, (the mine) might be open in 2028,” Vučić said, adding that it would be a game-changer for the country and the entire region.

The president said the mine is expected to produce 58,000 tonnes of lithium per year, which would equate to 17% of electric vehicle production in Europe or 1.1 million cars.

Opponents had previously accused Rio Tinto and Vučić of not being transparent about the process and of refusing to publish environmental impact reports.

Serbia's green activists rally against lithium mining

Hundreds of Serbian environmental activists on Thursday (3 February) blocked Belgrade’s city centre, demanding a ban on all lithium and borates mining and exploration in the Balkan country.

On Thursday, the mining giant published an environmental impact report that aimed to assuage concerns and reset the terms of the debate, the group promised “safe, reliable, and proven technology”.

Rio Tinto denounced “a broad misinformation campaign based on defamatory elements” advancing “unsubstantiated claims” that the project would harm water resources, soil, biodiversity, air quality and human health.

In September 2023, Serbia signed a letter of intent with the European Commission for a strategic partnership in batteries and raw materials.

Serbia's parliament speaker seeks debate over Rio Tinto's lithium project

Mon, 17 June 2024 

Illustration shows Rio Tinto logo

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Serbia's parliament speaker and former prime minister Ana Brnabic on Monday sought a debate and approval in the assembly for a contested Rio Tinto lithium project in the Balkan country.

Regarded as a critical material by the EU and the United States, lithium is used in batteries for EVs and mobile devices.

In 2022, the Serbian government revoked licences for Rio's $2.4 billion Jadar lithium project near the western town of Loznica after massive environmental protests.

Brnabic, also a ranking official of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) loyal to President Aleksandar Vucic, said the Jadar project requires "responsible and serious" parliamentary debate".

"We will defend the interests of Serbia in every way, both economic and in terms of wealth and higher wages, pensions and everything that the project can bring to Serbia," she said in a TV broadcast.

Brnabic did not say when the 250-seat Serbian parliament in which the SNS-led coalition has a majority of 183 deputies, could start the debate.

Her remarks came a day after Vucic told the Financial Times that Belgrade is preparing to give Rio Tinto the green light to develop Europe's largest lithium mine.

If completed, the Jadar project could supply 90% of Europe's current lithium needs and help to make the company a leading lithium producer.

Last week Rio published environmental studies which showed that its Serbia lithium project would be safe for the environment.

In 2021 and 2022 Serbian environmentalists collected 30,000 signatures in a petition demanding that parliament enact legislation to halt lithium exploration in the country.

Radomir Lazovic, a leader of the opposition Green-Left Front, said his party would oppose Rio's project in the parliament and through protests.

"We are ready to fight this idea through actions, protests, all legal avenues and by seeking international support," Lazovic told Reuters.

(Reporting by Aleksandar Vasovic; Editing by Angus MacSwan)

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