Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Economist magazine endorses Labour for the first time since 2005

Photo: @Keir_Starmer

The Economist has endorsed Keir Starmer to be Britain’s next Prime Minister – making it the first time the publication has backed Labour at a general election since the Blair years.

An endorsement piece published this morning saw the magazine throw its weight behind Labour’s leader for the first time since the 2005 election.

However, the piece added that no party “fully subscribes” to the economically liberal values held in the publication’s editorial stances.

It reads: “The economic consensus in Britain has shifted away from liberal values—free trade, individual choice and limits to state intervention. But elections are about the best available choice and that is clear.”

The magazine opined that Labour has the “greatest chance” at taking on Britain’s lack of economic growth in the coming years.

This endorsement of Labour by The Economist is a relatively rare occurrence, which – including this year – has only backed the party at four general elections since 1955.

It typically backs the Conservative Party, although it support Labour in 1964, 2001 and 2005. The Economist supported the Liberal Democrats in the two most recent general elections before 2024.

The magazine is the third major nationwide publication to back Labour, with the Daily Mirror and The New Statesman also expressing their support for the party ahead of the general election.

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