Saturday, June 08, 2024


Chinese Blocking Philippine Medical Evacuation was “Barbaric” Says PCG

Chinese Coast Guard
Chinese repeated attempted to block the Philippines Coast Guard's small boat (Cmdr. Tarriela)


In the ongoing confrontations between the Chinese and the Philippines Coast Guard in the South China Sea, the Philippines escalated the war of words. In a release with videos, the spokesperson for the Philippine Coast Guard, Commodore Jay Tarriela, is accusing China of “barbaric and inhume behavior” in attempting to block a medical evacuation.

The events that came to light today reportedly took place on May 19. Separately, the Philippine military chief Romeo Brawney said it took place over two days. He accused China of blocking the first attempt at a medical evacuation but said they were able to complete the mission the following day.

The Chinese foreign ministry responded to the accusations saying that it requires advance notification but it would permit the evacuation and supply of personnel. They, however, said they would not let the Philippines use this as an “excuse to transport” construction materials to the disputed Second Thomas Shoal area and the grounded vessel BRP Sierra Madre, which the Philippines uses as a base.



Supported by the videos, Tarriela says they were dispatching a high-speed response boat to an agreed location to meet up with a rigid hull inflatable that was carrying the sick marine from the base. He is asserting that the Chinese were informed by radio and public address systems about the nature of the evacuation.

“What should have been a simple medical evacuation operation was subjected to harassment, with the excessive deployment of two China Coast Guard vessels, two small boats, and two rubber boats,” stated Tarriela.

He is accusing the Chinese of intentionally ramming the rigid hull inflatable and dangerous maneuvers. The Chinese he said were repeatedly blocking the two boats and harassing the Filipinos. 



Ultimately, he says their forces were able to outmaneuver the Chinese crafts and complete the mission. 

Today’s statement came after the Philippines and China traded accusations during the week. China asserted that the Philippine forces pointed firearms at Chinese personnel during a close-in encounter in the disputed area after cutting nets and seizing fishing material from the Chinese at the lagoon. The Philippines responded by accusing Chinese forces of seizing essential supplies that were air-dropped to the garrison on the BRP Sierra Madre.

Philippine Marines Drew Firearms When China Coast Guard Neared Outpost

Philippine personnel aboard BRP Sierra Madre (Chinese state media)
Philippine personnel aboard BRP Sierra Madre (Chinese state media)



Officials with the Armed Forces of the Philippines have confirmed that a squad of Philippine Marines drew weapons when China Coast Guard personnel moved in to seize an airdropped shipment of food at Second Thomas Shoal last month. 

The Philippines has accused the China Coast Guard of seizing essential supplies that were air-dropped to the garrison on the BRP Sierra Madre in mid-May. China routinely blockades the outpost using its coast guard and maritime militia vessels, and this often forces the Armed Forces of the Philippines to deliver goods to the military detachment at Second Thomas Shoal by parachute.

Philippine military officials said that China Coast Guard personnel in rigid inflatable boats intercepted one out of the four parcels that were parachute-dropped during an airborne supply run in mid-May. During that altercation, the China Coast Guard boats moved to within five meters of the BRP Sierra Madre, the grounded landing ship that serves as the Philippine base on the reef. As a precautionary measure, the marines followed their rules of engagement and deployed small arms. 

"Whenever you see imminent threats coming your way, you best be prepared," said AFP Chief of Staff Romeo Brawner. "It's part of the rules of engagement." 

Chinese state news network CGTN claimed earlier this week that Philippine personnel had pointed their guns at the China Coast Guard during the altercation. The footage showed armed personnel aboard the BRP Sierra Madre, but the imagery did not apear to show whether weapons had ever been trained on a target. 



Following this run-in, according to the AFP, the Chinese boat team opened the airdrop parcel and dumped the food supplies over the side. Philippine forces were able to recover some of the goods from the water. 

"Our personnel are governed by the Rules of Engagement (ROE) and clearly acted with the highest level of professionalism," said the AFP in a statement. "Foreign vessels that venture dangerously close to our military vessel and in violation of safe distance protocols necessitate heightened vigilance."     

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