Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Aer Lingus accepts proposed pay rise for pilots

2 days ago
By Jessica Lawrence, BBC News NI
PA Media
Aer Lingus pilots have been staging an indefinite work-to-rule action since June

Aer Lingus has said it will accept a 17.75% pay rise for its pilots recommended by the Republic of Ireland's Labour Court

The pilots, who are represented by the Irish Air Line Pilots' Association (IALPA), began staging their indefinite work-to-rule protest on 26 June.

Since then, hundreds of flights have been cancelled and travel plans for tens of thousands of passengers have been disrupted.

The work to rule action by pilots will continue, until they are balloted on whether or not to accept the deal.

The court's recommendation, released on Monday, covers a four year period from 1 January 2023 to December 2026.

The IALPA has said it will convene a meeting of its executive in the next 24 hours to consider the Labour Court’s recommendation.

Donal Moriarty, corporate affairs officer at Aer Lingus, told Irish broadcaster RTE: "We've reviewed the recommendation of the Labour Court today and Aer Lingus has decided to accept it.

"There are aspects of the recommendation that we'll need to consider over the longer term in terms of its implementation and we also need to consider the impact that this dispute has had on Aer Lingus."

'Exceptionally complex dispute'

The IALPA said after its executives considers the pay recommendation, the union will commence preparations for a ballot of its members.

IALPA president Captain Mark Tighe said: “In advance of preparations for a ballot - and during which the current work-to-rule is set to continue – the union will ensure pilots are fully apprised of the details of the Labour Court’s recommendation."

He added: "This has been an exceptionally complex dispute, reflected in the Court’s decision last week to utilise its legislative powers to investigate the matters in dispute.

“Several of our executive officers are on flight duty today, so we’re currently preparing for the full executive to meet within the next 24 hours."

Pilots had initially asked for a 24% pay rise to take inflation levels into consideration since their last pay increase in 2019.

However, the airline is reportedly seeking changes to the pilots' working conditions before it will agree to any pay rise above 12.25%.

PA Media
The decision will now be put to a ballot of members of the IALPA

The Labour Court has recommended that the 17.75% increase be awarded as follows:
2% with effect from 1st January 2023
1.75% with effect from 1st July 2023
2% with effect from 1st October 2023
3.5% with effect from 1st January 2024
1.5% with effect from 1st October 2024
3% with effect from 1st January 2025
3% with effect from 1st January 2026
1% with effect from 1st July 2026

PA Media
Aer Lingus has said it will review the recommendation of the Labour Court

Last week, the court heard from both the union and Aer Lingus in a meeting that lasted more than eight hours.

The court had asked that there be no escalation of the dispute, but the current work-to-rule by Ialpa members remains in place.

Aer Lingus pilots will be asked to accept a 17.75% pay increase in a ballot, following a recommendation by their representative body.

It comes after a work-to-rule, which began at the end of June, resulted in the airline cancelling hundreds of flights.

The 17.75% figure was recommended by the Labour Court following engagement with Aer Lingus and the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association (Ialpa).

Ialpa leadership sought clarifications from the Labour Court over the non-binding recommendation and, following consideration of the terms, recommended that its membership accept them.

The pilot body will move immediately to suspend its ongoing work-to-rule action, in place since June 26, pending the outcome of a ballot.

The union will hold a series of engagements with members before a ballot on the terms of the Labour Court recommendation in the coming week.

Ialpa president Mark Tighe described the pay increase provided for in the recommendation as a significant win for pilots.

Taoiseach Simon Harris has welcomed the developments.

In a statement, he said: “I welcome the decision by Ialpa to suspend industrial action and recommend acceptance of the Labour Court proposal.

“This is a very positive development for the travelling public and our tourism sector.

“I have consistently stated that compromise and engagement was the only way forward.”

Aer Lingus planes at Dublin Airport as more flights were cancelled (Artur Widak/PA)© Provided by PA Media

Aer Lingus welcomed Ialpa’s recommendation to its members to accept the deal, as well as the decision to discontinue industrial action.

It said: “We look forward to Ialpa completing the balloting process as soon as possible.”

Earlier, Aer Lingus cancelled 25 more flights next Monday and Tuesday and said it would contact affected customers.

Related video: Aer Lingus Pilots Escalate Pay Dispute with Indefinite Work-To-Rule and Strike Action (Benzinga) Duration 0:36  View on Watch

It also said more cancellations would be announced on Thursday.

Hundreds of flights have been cancelled in the two weeks since the industrial action began, which has affected thousands of holidaymakers’ plans.

Aer Lingus said those affected by flight cancellations will be given the option to change their flights for free or to claim a refund or voucher.

Customers can check the flights affected on the Aer Lingus Travel Advisory page.

The airline said the industrial relations dispute had been “enormously damaging both financially and reputationally”.

The pilots had initially sought a pay increase of 24%, which they said equated to inflation since the last pay rise in 2019.

They had previously rejected a Labour Court recommendation for pay increases of 9%, but Ialpa had suggested the union would consider a pay increase below the 24% figure.

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