Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Conservative student group at UK university apologizes for singing, dancing to Nazi song

Students were filmed singing and dancing to 'Erika,' a song composed in 1938 by Herms Niel - a Nazi Sturmabteilung trooper leader.

JULY 2, 2024 
University of Warwick Students' Union(photo credit: Ben Firshman/Wikimedia Commons)

The University of Warwick Conservative Association (UWCA) issued an apology after recordings surfaced of student members singing and dancing to the song Erika, a Nazi anthem, at the group’s annual black-tie dinner last month, British media reported on Monday.

Erika was an anthem used by German Nazi armed forces during World War II, it had been composed in 1938 by Herms Niel - a Nazi Sturmabteilung trooper leader.

Use of the song was criticized by the Union of Jewish Students (UJS), who charged that the students involved in the incident had engaged in “blatant and unhinged support” for Nazism.

Condemning the use of the song

“Glorification of the Nazis has no place in our society, especially on campus… We expect swift and decisive action from the University of Warwick and the Conservative Party,” UJS added in a public statement.

The UWCA said it “condemned the behavior exhibited during this video and apologizes for any offence that has been caused.”
AN IDEOLOGICAL battle is also being waged. Pictured: Nazi leader Adolf Hitler addresses the Reichstag, 1941. (credit: Keystone/Getty Images)

It added: “The song Erika was playing for a brief period. Once we became aware of the song being played and what it represents, an exec member spoke to the DJ, and it was immediately turned off.

“We have subsequently found that the song was requested by a lone member directly to the DJ. We stress that it was not included in the preplanned music selection handed to the DJ.”

Footage of the event revealed, according to Sky News, that several members had been dancing and singing to the song, with the video ended after a student could be heard stating "Don't film!"

A spokesperson for Warwick University told Jewish News “We have been made aware of this video and the allegations surrounding it, which are extremely troubling.

“Behaviour like this is reprehensible and we are disappointed to see our students involved.

“The university is reviewing the material disclosed to us via our reporting service and has notified the Student’s Union. We have requested a meeting with the Jewish Society to assist with our review.”

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