Friday, July 19, 2024

Statement on the need for practical trade union solidarity with London Trans Pride

Trans rights protest in London 9 July. Photo: London SP

Dear comrades,

This statement is an appeal for your trade union branch to discuss and agree to participate in a trade union defence of London Trans Pride. The events planned for 27 July demand our labour movement in London plans practical organised solidarity action.

You will be aware that Tommy Robinson has called a rally in Trafalgar Square on 27 July. There could be thousands of Robinson supporters gathered within a mile and a half of where London Trans Pride is marching and then culminating for speeches.

We know that Tommy Robinson is reported to back protests against Drag Story Times. Even if there is no official call, it is possible individuals or groups could identify Trans Pride as a target for attack on the day, given the proximity.

This situation presents a risk that our movement must prepare for – including adapting existing plans.

On the same day – 27 July – Stand Up to Racism has called a counter-protest against Tommy Robinson which has a plan to assemble at 12 noon and march to Trafalgar Square. However, there is no indication of what that march aims to achieve.

But given that we do know that London Trans Rights will be assembling from 1pm it is necessary for the movement to re-assess these plans to ensure that we are using our strength in order to combat the right in the most effective way possible.

This statement is an appeal to Stand Up To Racism, in consultation with London Trans Pride, to change the route of their march and instead go directly from Russell Square to the London Trans Pride assembly point at the BBC by 1pm.

This means we can provide practical solidarity in the form of an anti-fascist contingent and stewards to supplement the existing LTP stewarding plans.

Our movement has powerful traditions of not only opposition to racism, LGBTQ+phobia and all forms of discrimination, but taking practical action against the far right to prevent them from being able to attack and divide our class.

Ben Goldstone, Unite Housing Branch Equalities Officer

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