Saturday, July 06, 2024

Philippines turned down US help amid South China Sea tensions, says military chief

Clashes have erupted over resupply missions to a transport ship the Philippines deliberately marooned in disputed waters. PHOTO: REUTERS

JUL 05, 2024,

MANILA – The Philippines has turned down offers from the United States to assist operations in the South China Sea, after a flare-up with China over missions to resupply Filipino troops on a contested shoal, its military chief said.

Tensions in the disputed waterway have boiled over into violence in the past year, with a Filipino sailor losing a finger in the latest June 17 clash that Manila described as “intentional-high speed ramming” by the Chinese coast guard.

The US, a treaty ally, has offered support, but Manila prefers to handle operations on its own, General Romeo Brawner said on July 4.

“Yes, of course, they have been offering help and they asked us how they could help us in any way,” he said.

“We try to exhaust all possible options that we have before we ask for help.”

Manila and Washington are bound by the 1951 Mutual Defence Treaty (MDT), a military pact that can be invoked in case of armed attacks on Philippine forces, public vessels or aircraft in the South China Sea.

Confrontations between the Philippines and China in Asia’s most contested waters have increased in frequency over the past year, as Beijing has pressed its claim to the waterway and Manila continues missions to bring supplies to soldiers living aboard a rusty, ageing warship that it grounded on a contested shoal.

‘Pure Philippine operation’

Some observers, including former deputy US national security adviser Matt Pottinger, have called for direct US naval support for the resupply missions.

But Philippine National Security Adviser Eduardo Ano said the Philippines wanted them to be a “pure Philippine operation”.

“This is our legitimate national interest, so we don’t see any reason for them (the US) to come in,” Mr Ano said.
Mr Ano, who spoke to his US counterpart Jake Sullivan in June to discuss shared concerns over China’s “dangerous and escalatory actions”, said the MDT was “far from being invoked”.

“We (the Philippines and China) agreed that there will be some easing tension, but we will assert our rights, we will not compromise our national interest, and we will continue to fight and claim what is ours,” Mr Ano said.

Neither official specified what support the US had offered.

Mr Greg Poling, a South China Sea expert at Washington’s Centre for Strategic and International Studies think-tank, said he believed the US was open to naval escorts for the resupply missions to the stranded vessel. Washington has already provided some limited support, he said.

A Philippine official said in 2023 Manila was consulting the US Army Corps of Engineers on how best to stabilise the BRP Sierra Madre, which was grounded on the contested Second Thomas Shoal, Mr Poling said, while US aircraft have been filmed providing overwatch of the ship on multiple occasions.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague ruled in 2016 that Beijing’s expansive South China Sea claims via its nine-dash line had no basis under international law, but that has not stopped China, which rejects the ruling, from being more assertive in the waterway.

It has deployed coast guard vessels to patrol those areas, alarming the Philippines, rival South-east Asian claimants and other states operating in the South China Sea, including the US, which is wary about China’s growing military power and territorial ambition.

Gen Brawner said the US’ offer of support, made in discussions at his level, was not a direct response to the June 17 incident but rather a reflection of the enduring military alliance between the two countries.

“It is really because of our being treaty allies, so that offer has been available to us for a long time not just because of the incident,” Gen Brawner said.

“But we did not ask them yet because as per the orders of our president we have to rely on ourselves first.” 


China anchors ‘monster ship’ in Philippine waters of South China Sea

ByNeil Jerome Morales
July 6, 2024 — 

Manila: The Philippine Coast Guard said on Saturday that China’s largest coastguard vessel has anchored in Manila’s exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea, and is meant to intimidate its smaller Asian neighbour.

The China coastguard’s 165-metre ‘monster ship’ entered Manila’s 200-nautical mile EEZ on July 2, spokesperson for the PCG Jay Tarriela told a news forum.

The Chinese Coast Guard ‘monster’ ship.CREDIT:PCG

The PCG warned the Chinese vessel it was in the Philippine’s EEZ and asked about their intentions, he said.

“It’s an intimidation on the part of the China Coast Guard,” Tarriela said.

“We’re not going to pull out and we’re not going to be intimidated.”

China’s embassy in Manila and the Chinese foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. China’s coast guard has no publicly available contact information.

Australian warship deployed as clashes rise in South China Sea

The Chinese ship, which has also deployed a small boat, was anchored 800 metres away from the PCG’s vessel, Tarriela said.

In May, the PCG deployed a ship to the Sabina shoal to deter small-scale reclamation by China, which denied the claim. China has carried out extensive land reclamation on some islands in the South China Sea, building air force and other military facilities, causing concern in Washington and around the region.

China claims most of the South China Sea, a key conduit for $US3 trillion ($4.4 trillion) of annual ship-borne trade, as its own territory. Beijing rejects the 2016 ruling by The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration which said its expansive maritime claims had no legal basis.

Following a high-level dialogue, the Philippines and China agreed on Tuesday for the need to “restore trust” and “rebuild confidence” to better manage maritime disputes.

Tensions in the disputed waterway have boiled over into violence in the past year, with a Filipino sailor losing a finger in the latest June 17 clash that Manila described as “intentional-high speed ramming” by the Chinese coast guard.

The US, a treaty ally, has offered support but Manila prefers to handle operations on its own, Armed Forces Chief General Romeo Brawner told Reuters this week.

“Yes, of course, they have been offering help and they asked us how they could help us in any way,” he said.

“We try to exhaust all possible options that we have before we ask for help.”

Manila and Washington are bound by the 1951-Mutual Defence Treaty (MDT), a military pact that can be invoked in the case of armed attacks on Philippine forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the South China Sea.

Confrontations between the Philippines and China in Asia’s most contested waters have increased in frequency over the past year as Beijing has pressed its claim to the waterway and Manila continued missions to bring supplies to soldiers living aboard a rusty, ageing warship that it grounded on a contested shoal.


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