Thursday, September 12, 2024

Israel has created an ‘ecosystem of genocide’ since 1948, Palestinian ambassador tells TUC Congress

11 September, 2024
Left Foot Forward

"It is a slow genocide that has been happening over the period of 76 years"

Israel has created an ‘ecosystem of genocide’ since 1948, the Palestinian ambassador to the UK – Husam Zomlot – has claimed. Zomlot made the comments in a keynote address to this year’s TUC Congress in Brighton.

Speaking on Israel’s actions towards the Palestinian people, Zomlot told the Congress: “It is a slow genocide that has been happening over the period of 76 years, and is the systematic extermination of the Palestinian people. Israel has created an ecosystem of genocide that is not just about mass killings, but about ending the very possibility of Palestinian independence – freedom – but also the very possibility of Palestinian life.”

Later in his address, Zomlot heavily criticised the Labour government’s decision to only suspend some arms sales to Israel. He said “while we welcome the decision by the UK government to suspend some arms licenses to Israel”, but also called for a “complete, full arms embargo” and said “it is simply unconscionable that the UK should continue to deliver any arms to Israel”.

Earlier at the Congress, delegates voted to support a motion which called on the UK government to end all arms licenses to Israel.

Zomlot began his address to the TUC Congress by praising the solidarity the UK trade union movement has shown with the people of Palestine. He told delegates: “Unions, the labour movement, are a bedrock of solidarity for Palestine”, adding: “Allow me to start by thanking you all – each one of you – for all that you have been doing over the months and the years, for your solidarity, for your actions, for taking [to] the streets every week, in every city”.

Zomlot’s address was met with a standing ovation from delegates.

TUC calls for an end to all arms sales to Israel

11 September, 2024 
Left Foot Forward

The motion passed at TUC Congress also called for the recognition of a Palestinian state.

At this year’s TUC Congress, delegates passed a motion calling for the UK government to end all licenses for arms traded with Israel. The motion also called on the government to immediately recognise the state of Palestine, demand a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages and Palestinian political prisoners, and ‘impose sanctions upon individuals and entities who have made statements inciting genocide against Palestinians’.

The motion was proposed by the National Education Union (NEU). After speaking on the motion, NEU executive member Louise Regan received a standing ovation from delegates at the Congress.

Delegates from Unison, Unite, PCS, CWU, FBU, GMB, ASLEF, BFAWU, UCU all spoke in favour of the motion.

In the debate, Fran Heathcote – the general secretary of PCS – told the Congress: “We cannot be bystanders, we cannot walk by on the other side”, later saying that: “There is no moral or legal case not to ban all arms sales to Israel immediately.”

The motion was passed before the Congress was addressed by the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK Husam Zomlot.

Speaking after the motion passed, Ben Jamal, the director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign said: “We welcome the passing of this important motion which confirms the enduring support of the British trade union movement for the Palestinian struggle for liberation. It marks a clear dividing line between the union movement, which is committed to ending Israel’s genocide, occupation and system of apartheid, and the Labour government which has so far taken a wholly inadequate approach to its obligations under international law. The suspension of a small fraction of arms exports to Israel is a tap on the wrist with permission to continue – the Government has been scrambling to reassure this genocidal Israeli government of its continued support.

“The time for half measures and hypocrisy is over. The Labour government must choose whether its stands with a state committing the crimes of genocide, occupation and apartheid, or with the millions of people in the unions and in the UK who want to see freedom, justice and equality for Palestinians.”

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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