Friday, September 06, 2024


Time to rebuild union power – social justice unionism today #TUC2024

GFTU union banner

“This is a renewal of ideas, an exploration of industrial relations, unions and their role in the next five to ten years.”

By Henry Fowler, Head of Education, Campaigns and Organising at the General Federation of Trade Unions

We have all heard it at that staff day, “We are being strategic,” “here is our ‘Strategic plan”, as strategy is often the preserve of the managerial class, the ‘buzzword’ of Human Resources. 

However, it doesn’t have to be like this. 

Strategy is not just a word. Strategy is about how we all within the trade union and wider labour movement build the power and capacity to improve workers’ lives. The employers have strategy, the managers have strategy, and it is vital that as a united labour movement we build our own.

That is why we have spent time speaking with, developing and reaching out to different thinkers across our movement, to develop the GFTU Educational Trust new ‘Strategy Series’. This six part webinar series is FREE for the whole movement, a chance for you to get up close with strategic leaders, and discuss the key ideas around how we renew our movement together. This is not renewal in the sense of a younger workplace rep replacing the retiring one, but a renewal of ideas, an exploration of industrial relations, unions and their role in the next five to ten years.  

This series will include discussions from leading thinkers on: reviving the trade union movement, how we build union strategy, the role of women and feminist approaches to our unions, strategies for developing activists and the capacity to win campaigns big and small.

We are delighted that our first event will be in person with the visiting President of the United Teachers Los Angeles, Cecily Myrat-Cruz on 16 September co-sponsored with the National Education Union, and Strike Map, register your place here

Our sessions will be led by a variety of speakers including; Joe Burns, Marshall Ganz, Grace Blakeley, Alice Martin, Hahrie Han, Bill Fletcher Jnr. 

Below is the schedule for the rest of the series which are all online via Zoom at 7pm UK time, unless otherwise stated, we hope you can join us: 

You can find the full programme for the GFTU Educational Trust 2024-2025 here.

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