Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Anarchist News Retrospective 2024

Dick Clark eat your heart out

For auld lang syne, my jo,
for auld lang syne,
we'll tak a cup o kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
~ Father Time, before devouring Baby New Year

'Tis the season to be reminiscent! We've put together a selection of the top articles posted on Anarchist News in 2024 and we've broken it down month to month to assist you in your own looking back, reflecting, scrying, grounding techniques to shake off the flashbacks, or whatever it is you're going to do with these relics of a bygone era. We will be starting off with December of 2023 since we can't really tell how this year wraps up before it's properly done with, there's no knowing which project might call it quits one week and which might come back to life the next!

Without further ado, the 2024 Anarchist News Best In Show:

December (2023):

Anonymously submitted, "Cops Don't Wear Masks, Anarchists Must" came from Portland, Oregon, USA to make the case for wearing masks to slow the spread of covid. It also made the case for not wearing masks being tantamount to police action or practicing eugenics against the disabled. "we are breathing everyone's unvetted air!" The debate in the comments would continue through the year and across many, MANY articles.

"How Intelligence Agents Hijacked the U.S. Anarchist Movement and Steered It Into a Dead End" by Crow Qu’appelle came to us through Winter Oak, and while it did raise some very practical concerns over the intent of some actors and outlets on the Circle-A Stage, it also fit with the usual "Global Mafia" line Winter Oak tends to be known for. Whether the article was right on or veered into fedjacketing territory was at the center of the discussion in the comments.

We went back to the land with "TOTW: Anarchist Land Projects" but mostly stopped short of returning to monkey. Fun talks followed regarding the successes and failures we've seen in land projects, the nature of land and ownership, what self-sufficiency looks like in a climate-doomed world, and some out of pocket insults thrown in all directions. Anarchy!


“TOTW: Harm Reduction?” was a poetic introduction to a provocative and frequently relevant question, “What is anarchistic about harm reduction?” Comments delved deep with conversation that continues to this very day.

“Easy Ways to Spot Authoritarians Within the Anarchist Milieu” from Warzone Distro provided a simple framework for identifying and addressing a problem that has plagued anarchy for ages. This article was born of a perceived decades-long ceding of ground to authoritarianism from within and spurred on by a resurgence of authoritarian activity at book fairs in the preceding months. Let’s just hope we don’t need to refer back to it too often in 2025. (Bookmark it just in case.)

Spurred on by crank callers on his radio show, “TOTW: What is Post-Left?” was a guest Topic of the Week submitted by the man - the myth - the legend - JZ himself! The topic and discussion asked, “What does post-left even mean?” and offers an anti-left position as a more meaningful one for anarchists. If you haven’t heard the discussion on the ANews Podcast, go back and check it out.


Designed to kickstart the butterflies in your tummy and the skip in your heartbeat, “TOTW: L is for Love” explored what love means and how it impacts an anarchist’s thoughts and deeds. It also did whatever the opposite of “love” is by reminding us that “Days Of War, Nights of Love” is nearly 25 years old.

“Anarchists Should Not Be Spreading Putinist Propaganda” from avtonom.org didn’t open the can of worms, but it sure did coax a few more worms out of the can. This well-written article asked its readers to interrogate their sources of information and the reasons those sources might have to tell their stories in the ways they do. A valuable enough lesson for everyone excluding about half the anon commenters, apparently.

Out of Suburban Madison, Wisconsin, USA, the Middleton Hills Trans Anarchist collective published “MhTAC Announces Family Abolition Reading Group.” Cautious optimism and a surprising amount of benefits of the doubt were given in the comments section, only to be ungiven very shortly thereafter also in the comments section. A nice-ish piece of suburban resistance for what it was, but the group already appears defunct at time of this posting. A flash in the pan is a flash in the pan, for whatever it’s worth. Still, shouts out to Wisconsin for giving it the ol' college (leftist) try!


Following the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell in front of the Israeli embassy in DC, “TOTW: Martyrdom” asked “Why do we need more martyrs? Is this just self-sacrifice to no end?” It appeared that only time would tell… and now there’s been time, and your answers may still vary.

Another Topic of the Week was in the top charts this month, with guest writer Artxmis bringing us “TOTW: Is Anarchy Sufficient?” A very wide spread on responses and an interesting recorded discussion on the podcast followed, which was refreshing, and the question at the heart of it looms: “Can liberation come only from anarchy?”

Two peeps at Oak Journal, “‘Cause I See You” from Invecchiare Selvatico was a look back at “Invisible Generation” by Jason Rodgers. A nice insightful reflection on the author, the subjects of tech and individualism, and the context they came with. A good read for the individualist or the anti-civ types out there, and we'll hear more from them further down the list.


A bit more fanciful than the usual, Ignited in Dark’s “Retiring an Old Anarchist Slogan” offered a hopeful plea for a spiritual understanding. The slogan in question, “No Gods, No Masters” appears to still be working its 9-5, however.

The final installment in the 4 part Freedom News series by Loukas Christodoulou, “Autism and Anarchy: The Importance of Autistic Anarchism” made a bizarre case and roused a bizarre reaction. Maybe more situated for an audience already predisposed to focusing on ability and identity, the series was at the very least interesting to consider.

Maybe the most written-on subject of the year, Gaza took center stage for “TOTW: Anarchist Participation in Free Gaza Protests.” This topic left a lot of room for conversation, decent resources were suggested in the comments, and since it was all discussed so constructively here that meant that nobody had to be super fucking unhinged about it on IRC!


“June 11, 2024: No Separate Worlds” was the call from june11.org for an International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners. Always a thing to look forward to, but if you missed it there’s no need to wait until June 11 2025! Write to an anarchist prisoner TODAY!

In Chicago Anti Report’s 2024 “May Day Chicago” reportback, the focus was yet again on Gaza. Yet again, everyone was really normal about the whole affair, so YET AGAIN there is NO NEED to get on IRC and be a huge liability about it!

“TOTW: Relations Without Measure” took inspiration from “Killing King Abacus” to ask us what use quantifying anarchistic relations and acts could be, offering a potential answer in “A Little Mathematics of Radical Action.” The comments were really good. Why can’t you be like that more often?


Amid a new wave of mainstreamization, “TOTW: Normies” pushed us to interrogate normal people. Like, in concept. It probably didn’t encourage us to, like, kidnap normal people and force them to confess their crimes. Right? Did I misremember? I remember the podcast discussion being pretty good.

“Work Worth Doing” from Radical Love Letters was a kinda fun and intimate exploration of a couple anarchists of the radical-activist variety exploring their (lack of) relationship to Marx and what the anarchist identifier means to them. It has nothing to do with shitting on people or being an incel, but that’s what the comments talked about anyway.

And for another active comments section (and mostly on topic for this one), “TOTW: Needs” asked us “How do anarchists satisfy their needs keeping in mind the principles of freedom and equality? Is freedom a need?” Check out the podcast for a great conversation!


Trump was shot. It was a pretty big deal, I bet you’ve already heard all about it. While the mainstream and those pining to be a part of it rushed to give all the answers to questions that still haven’t actually been answered, “TOTW: Enemy of My Enemy” asked us if there’s anything anarchists should be concerned about with this at all.

In a surprising contrast to the larger anarchist presence on the internet, “Former Philly Anarchist Alex Chubbuck Outed as a Neo-Nazi” from Jersey Counter-Info is the only article about a specific neo-nazi that we will be focusing on. And this is all the time we’re going to spend focusing on it. Hooray!

“When the Exhaustion of Concepts Intensifies” from TŘÍDNÍ VÁLKA reminded anarchists of a viable position to take when faced with the Russian invasion of Ukraine: being against the state. Some still don’t get it in the comments, but some still don’t get it out there in the real world either, so what can you do? “Long live the betrayal of the country!” is a dope way to sign a statement!


Happy birthday to us! Happy birthday to us! Happy birthday dear us! Happy birthday to us! "TOTW: 20 Years of Anarchist News" brought recollections, reflections, and real good discussion looking back on twenty years of doin' the damn thing. Next year we're buying booze for all our younger friends.

the beautifully titled “The Darkness Criticizes the Wolf for Howling at the Moon” which was submitted anonymously. This article provided a review of sorts via a passionate defense of the Contagion Press publication "Warlike, Howling, Pure" by Areïon that put the crosshairs on the article titled

"Millenarian Insurrectionary Hail Marianism" by Invecchiare Selvatico, a critical reflection on the Contagion Press publication "Warlike, Howling, Pure" by Areïon. This article provided a thorough critique that definitely ruffled a few feathers, as evidenced by

the beautifully titled “The Darkness Criticizes the Wolf for Howling at the Moon” which was submitted anonymously. This article provided a review of sorts via a passionate defense of the Contagion Press publication "Warlike, Howling, Pure" by Areïon that put the crosshairs on the article titled

"Millenarian Insurrectionary Hail Marianism" by Invecchiare Selvatico, a critical reflection on the Contagion Press publication "Warlike, Howling, Pure" by Areïon. This article provided a thorough critique that definitely ruffled a few feathers, as evidenced by


The conversation was alive with "TOTW: Animism" and it seemed universal spirits diverged throughout the comments, which were also alive. Though the comments went every which-way, the comments as an extant concept have yet to weigh in.

An otherwise innocuous and low-stakes communique, "NYC Anarchist Banner Action in Solidarity With Palestinian Resistance" from Abolition Media includes the line "Let the flood of Al Aqsa drown all settler regimes!" This released a flood of comments that grew into such vitriol it makes one wonder if banner drops could always cause such a commotion by throwing in an intentionally provocative line. Maybe we'll keep that arrow in our quiver.

Wayne Price returned for another article with "The Left and the Israel/Palestine Wars." This piece compares the current leftist reactions and interactions with the middle east to the leftists of the 60s and 70s on the same subject. One thing is for sure: The comments section was way slower in the 60s.


In an article that was both thoughtful and thought-provoking, CyberDandy brought us "A Response to 'Ya Ghazze Habibti—Gaza, My Love'," also titled "Abolish Rule by Ethnic Majority." In addressing and questioning the crimethinc piece, CD left us with an important reminder (or perhaps a needed introduction) to what should not be a controversial statement among anarchists: "national sovereignty itself is illegitimate: no one should be born to rule, nor born to serve."

"TOTW: Refinement" asked us to examine stereotypes, social norms, their utility, our relationships to them, and what it means to an anarchist to be "refined." Intentionally left open to encourage a wide range of interpretations, it sounded more to me like thecollective was shilling for Big Deodorant again.

In a sudden reversal (old spice checks bounced?), "TOTW: Abstractions and Embodiment" questions physicality and invokes the impact that grounding physical presences like personal scent can have. This discussion explored bodies, ideas, and where anarchists exist between the two. As a general aside: We should do more TOTWs that bring up Donna Haraway.


"Some Initial Thoughts on Unity of Fields" from Puget Sound Anarchists offered some early reflections on the rebranding of Palestine Action US and digital counter-info outlets more or less broadly. The author(s) of this "Initial Thoughts" seemed to have level heads, with lines like "We are clearly not the only ones re-coloring walls, opening windows, and carrying out our little sabotages and then writing about it, though at least for now others seem to look to our collective knowledge and experience for technical guidance." A healthy consideration for us all as we move forward with our own (presumably anarchist) projects.

"Stalking The Nightmare of Control" by Invecchiare Selvatico was a reflection on "War of Dreams: A Field Guide to DIY Psy-Ops" by Jason Rodgers and a glowing review at that. Both can be found attached to Oak Journal as well as closer to the top of this very rundown. Selvatico took the tone of an old friend reminiscing with this piece which was a welcome disorientation for most, and the comments spent a lot of time on the online vs physical print availability discussion. We'll let you all know when that's settled for good.

Crimethinc makes another appearance in the Top 40 Countdown with their hit single "The Case For Resistance." This article was an exercise in divination magicks and how to foretell chaoses yet unknown - sorry, I mistyped - This article was an exploration of what we can expect from Donald Trump’s second term and how we can prepare to confront it. Hm. A good wager on "disobedience" being the solution. Betting closes 00:00EST 01/01/2025.


In order to extract only the best articles of the year, we have concocted a highly complex proprietary formula using an elaborate array of flasks and beakers. While our robust approach accounts for all scientific, spiritual, and philosophical variables in their entirety, it does take a significant amount of fine tuning (and produces an unspeakable amount of highly carcinogenic runoff) to narrow the results down to a single "winner."

Given the high monetary cost of this process, we've decided to spend your monthly ANews subscription fees a little more conservatively and leave you with a pool of 5 articles presented without any indication of ranking whatsoever. We feel it is best to help you only this far and encourage an exercise of your independence on choosing an article of the year for yourself, sharing that selection in the comments, and fighting like a small dog in a large beehive to defend your choice. To the first commenter to choose correctly, a single-use "Get Out Of Being Canceled Free" card will be awarded. Card must be redeemed by 31DEC2025 and is not valid in Portland.

Easy Ways to Spot Authoritarians Within the Anarchist Milieu from Warzone Distro
TOTW: What Is Post Left? from John Zerzan
When the Exhaustion of Concepts Intensifies from TŘÍDNÍ VÁLKA
TOTW: Anarchist Land Projects from thecollective
How Intelligence Agents Hijacked the US Anarchist Movement by Crow Qu’appelle via Winter Oak

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