Thursday, December 22, 2005

Libertarian Labour

Here are some interesting debates in the Libertarian community around labour, not always an issue that gets such attention, more like it too often gets short shrift by the right wing in the community. And I am being generous at that. Libertarians, particularly American ones, often are followers of the economic mystics of the Austrian School of economics, which denies the Labour Theory of Value, and is focused on distributive economics (much like Social Credit). So they focus more on cost of production and cost of exchange, and the fact that the modern State acts as a regulator of the market. Now some of them are Wobblies, like myself , and they are free marketeers, (NOT privateers which is what the Republicans and the Harper/Klein Conservatives or Campbell/Charest Liberals are) and some are mutualists of the Prodhounian school of cooperatives and credit unions. And some of us are socialists/communists, who believe in worker and community control of society, decentralization and the 'free association of producers' in a federalist model of self government. And this is not much different from those Libertarians that believe in a Voluntarist organization of society. We all believe that governance is a matter of the 'administration of things' not governance over people.

And we define ourselves in the Libertarian community, as being Left Libertarians.

As opposed to Right Wing Libertarians who often call themselves Anarchist Capitalists,l ike Bryan Caplan, but whose ideology is closer to classical fascism, another form of distributive economics, in that they replace the state with the corporation as their model of political economy.

Ok everyone really confused now?! Anyways welcome to our little corner of the universe. I have already written what I believe is a libertarian socialist perspective on the labour movement here and here . So I will throw those into the fray, as well as my populist manifesto for a Peoples Program for Alberta.

A tip o the blog to Freeman for drawing my attention to these articles.


1 comment:

  1. I have already written what I believe is a libertarian socialist perspective on the labour movement here and here .
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