Friday, December 16, 2005

Twelve Long Years of Scandal.....

In Ottawa......and Alberta. A tip o the blog to BBS who did this long massive documentation of twelve years of Liberal scandals. But I am still not voting for Harper.

I believe that the NDP electoral reform plan along with with Ed Schreyer's criticism today of the whole PMO/Cabinet/Treasury Board failures, presents the best way of cleaning up the Mulroney/Chretien/Martin mess.

Oh yes the Blogging Tories convinently forget that Chuck Guite did the same kind of dirty deals for the Mulroney PC government before his new masters gave him an open check book. I certainly would love to see a similar list of Alberta scandals done on King Ralph and the Tory Tyranny here. I mean in one month we have had more scandals in Alberta than Ottawa had in two years.
And lets not forget BreX which ran up as a penny stock on the ASE and crashed big time.

The effort and outrage over the purported leak and profiting from the Income Trust Announcement is another issue the BT's are thumping their chests over. Now a lot of these folks are from Alberta so how come they ain't talking about the scandals in the Alberta Corporate Sector, the Alberta Stock Exchange and its monitor, the Alberta Securities Exchange Commission.

Here is a Tory appointed head of the ASC and he is fined for insider trading. To assuage his guilt over his illegal actions, he has a chat with Ralph who suggests he donate his ill gotten gains to the food bank. Yep thats just good old boy Alberta cronyism.

Now had the Liberals in Ottawa done this the howling of the BT's would have been blood curdling. But in Alberta, not a peep out of them. So if anything does come of the Goodale affair, perhaps he can take a page from Ralph Klein and visit a food bank.

But of course don't expect any outrage from the Blogging Tory's. Because what is s a democratic deficit, a tyranny, a one party dictatorship in Ottawa, applies in Alberta but even more so. But of course you know what they say about consistency and hobgoblins......

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