Sunday, January 08, 2006

Cosh Slanders Chavez Again

While on Colby Cosh's page where I found the Ukrainian Christmas challenge, I found this;

No doubt this is just another one of those "blatantly inaccurate hitpieces" cooked up against Hugo Chávez.. -6:07 pm, December 6

Well Yes Colby it is. And as a self described free lance journalist (sic) I would have thought you would have at least checked your sources about this slander against Chavez, which falsely purports to prove he is Anti-Semitic. See my
Chavez is NOT an Anti-Semite which was published four days before your comment.As I said there and will say again a simple google of the story would have found my comment as well as others on this topic including the biased source it came from.

You must have really been tired when you posted this and just didn't have the energy to do your journalistic duty. Tired, falling asleep at your keyboard, yeah must have been, cause you even got your posting date wrong
-6:07 pm, December 6,
You meant January 6 of course cause unless you have a time machine the link you posted was from January 5.

Poor tired old Cosh just didn't have the energy to actually write something to prove his point. He was too tired after debating Dru over at Dominion about his article on Chavez being another Stalin.

Which is par for the course for those on the right who will use anything to denounce Chavez cause they just hate him cause he is Left.


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