Sunday, January 08, 2006

Torys Can't Calculate

I don't know what happened between the invention of the abacus and the scientific calculator but somewhere between the begining of the election and yesterday, despite a strategy of daily campaign announcements, the Conservatives do NOT know how much their tax cuts will be nor do they have a costing for their campaign promises.

This quote is from two days ago while today on CTV Question Period (
CTV Question Period: Panel weighs in on leaders' election debates 10:19) John Reynolds said the same thing, again, verbatim;

Reality Check
Under a Conservative government, taxes will be dramatically lower – billions of dollars lower – than under the Liberals. That’s a fact. Details on our entire fiscal platform will be released along with the entire Conservative platform in the near future.
"That's a fact"? What fact,they haven't given us any numbers only empty promises. All they can say is 'trust us'. Well why should we? When they can't tell us if their tax cuts are $32 billion or $49 billion. Boy if they can't even account for that discrepency how can they claim to be more accountable than the Liberals.



  1. Is this your first election, or are you just forgetting how platofrm announcements work? It's a rather standard tactics to release the platform over the course of the campaign - so of course you don't get all the details right up front - that would be ridiculous to try to digest.

  2. No its not and I have run campaigns and I know full well you can calculate and cost your promises well in advance and clearly the Tory's have cause they released it to the Conference board, what didn't you read my aritcle before you commented?
