Saturday, January 14, 2006

Kate the Con Artist

Kate McMillan of Small Dead Animals rants, no that's not strong enough, she literally goes off the wall over the NDP arts and culture platform.

Well of course that's because they have one and the Conservatives don't. They don't need one cause they have support of self employed artists like Kate. And besides the idea of culture for the average Conservative and the Blogging Tories is the Faux network.

You see Kate flings clay and makes pots,and is an airbrush artist (so is Maaco) and probably stuffs Small Dead Animals, and calls this art. Which she probably sells out of the back of her truck, along with the usual compulsory Black Velvet Paintings. This is of course not ART it's called homecrafts.

Kate doesn't need no stinking Canada Council Funding. She probably files her income taxes as a self employed artist, single person company, in order to avail herself of all those corporate tax breaks, soon to be increased by the Harper, that the Liberals handed out over the years. Tax breaks us poor working stiffs don't get.

Ironically Kates rant against Arts and Culture funding is published on the CBC website, the taxpayer funded CBC. Yep the voice of Canada lets this rightwhingnutbar speak about ending its existence. This is also the same Kate who demanded that the CBC censor another blogger making comments about her. Very libertarian of Kate.

Kate reminds me of Hermann Goering who once said; "When I hear the word culture I reach for my gun." She is the very spitting image of a Con (servative) Artist as her rant proves. Though it would probably be a good idea Kate to wipe the drool off your lip.

"She wouldn't know Art if it walked up and slapped her in the face", dr. DadA


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, reading her vitriolic attack on the arts made my eyes bleed. Thank Bob I have a *real* job and don't need to rely on subsidy in order to live off of miniature painting...
