Saturday, January 14, 2006

Let Sleeping Lions Lie

The Lion of Israel remains in his coma.Sharon Cannot be Awakened

The world holds its breathe thinking that this old man is the source of peace in the Middle East. What a farce. He is a terrorist by any other name.

What difference between the living obituaries written about him full of praise and those full of vile invective written when Yassar Arafat passed on.

Exalting Sharon
Collective amnesia seems the order of the day as Ariel Sharon's health takes a serious turn for the worse, writes Ramzy Baroud



  1. Eugene.. can we lighten up a bit on the "Sharon is a terrorist" meme here?
    He was roundly condemned for his part in the Lebanon episode, and reminding people what he did back then is fair game.. but making him out to be similar to the guys on 9/11 blowing up the Twin Towers is a bit much.

  2. Terrorism is terrorism and his assault on 'Arabs' first occured in 1958 before Lebanon. Other members of terrorist organizations that fought the British over Israel included Menachim Begin as well as Sharon. Sharon incited the second infatada when he entered the Mosque in Jerusalem, giving him and excuse to conduct his war of the bulldozers on the Palesitian Authority in Ramalah. He allowed the building of the new Security (Berlin) Wall that now surrounds Israel, and was built on Palestian lands destroying much of the valued olive groves needed for their sustainable agricultural base.
    So no I don't think we can lighten up on the criminal record, the wall was condemned as criminal by the international court in the Hague, of the Israel State in its illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.
    There are lots of Israeli apologists out there who do that already, like our pal Warren Kinsella.
