Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Love Me, I'm A Liberal

So Buzz is at it again vying apparently for a Senators Job with the Liberals, no not the hockey team the guys in the Red Chamber.

On a Sunday CBC Talk Show wacky old Buzz attacked the RCMP investigation into the Income Trust Scandal
claiming it was a Tory set up against the Liberals, and that the RCMP were politically motivated.

RCMP should have waited, Hargrove says

Buzz Hargrove said it was not "proper police work" for the RCMP to confirm it was investigating a possible leak of the announcement in the midst of a federal election campaign, and suggested that it gave an unfair advantage to the opposition.

The outspoken union leader made the assertion on CBC Radio's morning program The Current, in which he was on a panel of political "mavericks," along with former Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish and one-time Conservative Deborah Grey.

Mr. Hargrove, who endorsed the Liberals in December, characterized the "supposed leak" as an opportunity for the Conservatives to launch a "nasty campaign" against the reigning Liberals.

Except the RCMP began the investigation based on an NDP complaint.
Guess its cause Jack didn't consult with Buzz over that.

He was so outraged that the Liberals should be challenged on what could be a major case of insider trading, that he let the cat out of the bag HE REALLY IS THE POSTER BOY FOR THE no wonder they are using him in their wallpaper poster campaign.

Yesterday, other members of the CBC panel responded with incredulity to Mr. Hargrove's statement. Ms. Parrish called Mr. Hargrove a "former idol of mine. He's obviously deserted the NDP and gone very Liberal on us," she said.
So I thought of Phil Ochs when I read about Buzz, and this came to mind......

Love Me, Love Me, Love Me, I'm A Liberal ....Phil Ochs

Once I was young and impulsive
I wore every conceivable pin
Even went to the socialist meetings
Learned all the old union hymns
But I've grown older and wiser
And that's why I'm turning you in
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

A tip o the blog to Dissonance And Disrespect for this


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