Wednesday, January 04, 2006

PM to Eliminate PM Immigration Tax

In a stunning announcement yesterday Paul Martin PM announced that he will eliminate the decades old head tax on new Immigrants imposed in 1995 by Paul Martin, Finance Minister.

"For many Canadian families with immediate relatives overseas, one of the challenges that they have faced is the $975 right of permanent residence fee," he said.

Immigrant Canadians were heard to ask; what took him so long?

Don't worry they were assured it will only take three years more to get rid of this unfair tax burden on them and their families. Cause change can't happen overnight.

The landing fee will be phased out over the next three years. The fee will drop immediately to $600, then to $300 after 12 months, and finally to zero within the next two budgets.

Wait a minute it didn't take three years to impose this new 'head tax' why is it taking three years to eliminate it?

The government had claimed the fee was imposed to cover costs associated with processing applications. Yet opponents criticized the fee, saying it was a money grab.

Wait a minute, how come they didn't get rid of it during the last twelve years in power?


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