Wednesday, January 04, 2006

PR will lead to Fascism

Proportional Representation will lead to fascism says the Editorial in yesterday's Brandon Sun. Now this has got to be the lowest of the low in defense of the status quo.

In response to Jack
Layton and the NDP's call for electoral reform the Sun says the reason we don't need PR is cause our system allows party's to become more centerist while PR allows for radical fringe parties to get elected. Now we wouldn't want that. With no mention of the fact the Green Party says the same thing, oh right they are a radical fringe party according to the Sun Editorial.

While that seems more democratic, it would be anything but. What it would do is give small fringe parties supported by only tiny pockets of Canadians all the power to decide whether governments live or die. And what that would mean is that instead of encouraging parties to be mainstream, moderate and offer universal appeal to Canadians, it would instead reward radical ideas and crazy policies that are simply unpalatable to most Canadians.

Like in Quebec where the Liberals and Coservatives would actually gain seats under PR which they won't under the current system. But the BS over looks that.

They follow up that comment with this;

Look what’s happened in other countries that have had PR. In 1999, Austria’s moderate centre-right party formed a coalition with the ultra right-wing Freedom Party, a populist fringe group whose leader, Joerg Haider, described the policies of Adolf Hitler as “exemplary.” Since then, the right-wing coalition that rules Denmark has also had to appease the far right in order to keep power and as a result has had to adopt restrictive — some might say racist — anti-immigration policies.

The papers initials BS certainly applies to this editorial.



  1. Does that mean First Past The Post eventually leads to communism? I missed that chapter in Das Kapital.

  2. No just a tyranny and dictatorship of the Liberals as the Globe and Mail reminded us ad nauseum during the Chretien years.:)
