Sunday, January 01, 2006

Rob Anders Update

Well I must say I was disappointed it appears that Rob Anders Calgary West Reform/Alliance/Conservative MP has slipped down to eigth place in Warren Kinsella's list;


Rob Anders – Conservative MP who, problematically, still exists. Called Nelson Mandela a terrorist. Unfit to clean out the toilets in the cell Mandela occupied for decades.

Warren seems to have missed Anders recent foray into B.C. Politics for his update. He reminds us of Anders dissing Mandela, which remains Anders crowning moment of Parlimentary Infamy.

Though for me Anders more recent comments attacking Gay Marriage err 'homosexual sex marriage' as immoral leading to the destruction of civilization as we know it, runs a close second for parlimentary infamy.

He declared in the House of Commons his expertise in morality and Roman history by invoking Augustus Ceaser in his defense of heterosexual marriage and moral values.

Now Augustus was Caesar when Jesus was born and had appointed Herod as his tax collector in Charge of Bethlehem.

And Augustus was rumoured to have had an incestuous relationship with his sister.

He introduced the moral laws Anders likes so much;

Augustus also launched a morality crusade, promoting marriage, family, and childbirth while discouraging luxury, unrestrained sex (including prostitution and homosexuality), and adultery. It was largely unsuccessful (indeed, his own daughter was banished due to it.)

Despite his moral cursade, Augustus was the very antipathy of Christian Morality that Anders is defending. Go figure.


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