Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Thanks Herr Werner

Werner Patels aka Alberta Avenue who suffers from multipleblog personality syndrome, and is poltically schizophrenic ( he supports the Tory's Federally, is a Liberal provincially, hates the NDP with a passion, and is now passionate about the Green Party) took umberage with my column about how Edmonton Strathcona Candidate Linda Duncan NDP challenged the Green party on her website.

She also challenged the Liberals and Conservatives, but Werner is now a born again Greenie, having worn out his welcome with Progressive Bloggers and Blogging Tory's with his rantings.

In doing so he saved me the effort of posting the link to the article on Canadian Conversation, and of course on the Green Bloggers site. Thanks for the publicity Werner.

Werner says;
"I think the Green Party should launch a solid counterattack against that NDP candidate and set her straight."

Well that would certainly be something to see considering that most of the enivronmental movement in Alberta knows Linda as one of Canada's top Environmental legal experts and lobbyists. Yep I would love to see that debate, hey the debates are coming up next week guess we will see what the Greens have to say then.

Werner on the other hand remains strangely silent about the Elections Canada investigation into the Green Party and complants from members that Jim Harris and his Tory buddies have taken over the party in a coup de dat. Strange cause Werner says he is all about transparency and good governance.

Green Party hit with second elections complaint

A second complaint to Elections Canada of alleged electoral-law violations by Green Party officials has been made public by a former party member, even as the party threatens legal action against the initiator of a complaint reported last week.

Elections Canada talking with Greens about possible election-law violations

The discussions are based on a letter of complaint filed by Matthew Pollesel, the party's former assistant national organizer. Pollesel alleges that the former grassroots party has been hijacked to gain access to federal election subsidies provided under the new elections-financing law. Leader Jim Harris is accused of underestimating his expenses for the party leadership in 2003.

But not so strange when you realize that Schizoid Werner is anything but transparent hiding behind his multipleblog personalities.

Also see

Green Party Seal Hunt Flippers



  1. Ah, yes, the standard Werner Patels lawsuit threat.

    Made publicly, of course, which tells you how seriously you should take it.

  2. No that is not my address or phone number you twit.

  3. I removed a threatening comment from Herr Patels which made reference to an address and phone number which I do not find acceptable on a public blog. Herr Patels asked if his lawyers could contact me at the address and ph #
