Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Tory TV Ad Unrealistic

At least one Blogging Tory has raised concerns that the Conservatives new set of attack ads on TV, may have been a boo boo considering the positive message ads the Liberals launched this week.

There are two Tory ads, one with a grim faced Paul Martin with messaging rolling over it.
The other TV ad is average Canadians in various public locales with a TV going on in the background announcing Liberal scandals. The first scene shows a TV announcement then zooms in on two guys in a Tim Hortons, ok maybe not a Timmys but a coffee shop, and low and behold in front of them is the Globe and Mail, with a headline on another Liberal scandal.

This is completely unrealistic no one in a Canadian coffee shop, or even a Timmies reads the Globe and Mail, they read the Sun. The Sun. It can be found in every major city in Canada including Toronto. The only people who read the Globe and Mail drink lattes at Starbucks, and even then they may be found reading the oversized edition of the Sun; the National Pest. Both papers are available at Starbucks.

Clearly this ad was made
in Toronto by latte drinking liberals, out of touch with mainstream Canadian culture. Shame on the Tory's. They could have least brought in their resident expert, on all things Timmy, Monte Solberg to advise them. He would have immediately pointed out this flaw in their props.


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