Sunday, January 08, 2006

Werner Patels Voice of the Conservative Party

Well Herr Patels of Alberta Avenue, the mulipleblogpersonalityszhioid is at it again. This time he is not only using the Royal We or Editorial We but is completely identifying with the Conservative party. He has published the following on his blog, defending the indefensible the Tory Tax Increases.

And he says 'our ' as if he speaks for the Conservative party. If so they can have him. He is a one man marching band of bad PR for whomever he supports. I wonder if he still is hoping to get nominated as an Alberta Liberal provincially?

Taxes would be far lower under a Conservative government

OTTAWA – This evening [January 6], CBC’s The National ran a so-called “Reality Check” alleging the Conservatives would raise taxes.

This report is not just misleading; it is false:

Taxes would be drastically lower under the Conservatives than under the Liberals.

Our tax plan will include cuts to the GST, and large cuts to personal income taxes and business taxes.

Under our plan, all Canadians will pay lower taxes.

Note to readers this is actually an official press release from the Conservative Party of Canada and should not be construed as being anything written by Mr. Patels on behalf of the Party or in any way associated with Mr. Patels.

Except that being lazy he posted it verbatim on his web site.

"Our plan" does not refer to any plan Mr. Patels may have for the future of Canada.

On the other hand he may now be in such a far out funk that he actually thinks that he is speaking on behalf of the party by publishing 'our' press release. If so the secretary will disavow any knowledge of his activities.

Thanks Herr Werner

A Confused Alberta Liberal



  1. Gotcha again Werner. Prove you have anyone else writing for your pathetic self aggrandizing little blog. Prove it. We all wanna know. Gimme names and links. Everything on your pathetic blog is anonymous, hence as I said before its all you. But since you insist on declaring that you have many others writing for you I rest my case that you suffer from multipleblog personality syndrome you schizo.

  2. P.S. if I can't 'read or write' what is this....that is the worst arguement I have ever read. And you are a professional translator?!
