Sunday, January 08, 2006

Kate Kinsella Warren McMillan

Its getting scary out there in the blogosphere when two of the biggest self promoters and mouths that roar actually say exactly the same thing on the same day.

I am speaking of Kate from Small Dead Animals and her doppelganger Warren Kinsella. Or perhaps they were just seperated at birth. Cause they had identical posts on Friday.


January 06, 2006

It Must Be Friday

Updated - (and Im moving this item back up to the top)

Another day, another scandal. And all coming at such a inopportune time.


Fri. 6 Jan., 2006

It's Friday, Why I Must Be In Canada!

Oh look! Another police investigation launched during a national election campaign, this time targeting a former aide to the nation’s most powerful elected leader!

If this is Friday, I must be in Paul Martin’s Canada!

And then they had identical picture posts. As the saying goes small minds seldom differ.


The Enemy Is Everywhere

I'm beginning to suspect the Conservatives have recruited small children...



January 6, 2006 -

(CP – Special) Unidentified child (top right) reacts to hearing “come Hell or high water,” “transformative change,” “essentially,” “very, very important,” “fundamentally” and – most recently – a sitting Prime Minister actually commenting on the merits of an ongoing RCMP investigation: “offensive.” Another unidentified toddler (top centre) slips into a self-induced coma after reading all two pages of Liberal campaign platform. Scott Feschuk, bottom right, channels Paul Wells for his next English-only blog entry.

So you see when I said Warren had gone to the far right....I was well, right. He and Kate think the same; PM bad, Liberals bad, Harper OK!


Like siamese twins seperated at birth.


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