Monday, March 06, 2006

The Iraq War & Archaeology

I found this interesting site which is tracking the looting of ancient treasures in Iraq. As Iraq was once ancient Babylon and later Mesopotamia with its Euprates and Tigras rivers was the literal crossroads of all ancient civilizations and cultures. It is the source of all peoples of the historical bible. Its historical and archeaological importance is lost in the tragedy which has been the legacy of twenty years of war.

The Iraq War & Archaeology

Archaeos, Inc., Documentation and Information Project

Dr. Francis Deblauwe, Director & Editor
Dr. David Nelson Gimbel, Co-Director
Prof. Dr. Gebhard Selz, Co-Director

IW&A is a joint project of Archaeos, Inc., and the
Institut für Orientalistik of the Universität Wien
(Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Vienna, Austria) *

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