Monday, March 06, 2006

MacKay Lies

Overheard on CPAC Politics Live coverage of today's press conference with Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Mackay and the Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia.

Peter MacKay told reporters that our Troops were in Afghanistan "because parliament voted on them going".

Oh really when was that?

Chretien agreed to send troops as PM without a debate or vote in the house. The Conservatives called for a non-binding debate, but Chretien dismissed it with the same "support our troops don't be divisive" rhetoric now being used by the Harpocrites.
Commons vote could undermine Afghan mission, says MacKay

Or perhaps Peter was referring to the Russian parliament, the Duma, maybe they voted to send troops to Afghanistan but the Canadian Duma, er parliament didn't.

But it looks like it may turn into another Russian style debacle too, cause now when asked by a reporter if we could be there for ten, yes ten years, Mackay couldn't answer!
Troops could stay longer in Afghanistan

So who will decide if we are at War since we are no longer peacekeeping?

The democratically elected representatives of the people of Canada? Heck no.
Generals will determine Afghan stay: MacKay

Also see my other posts on Afghanistan

And for a Left View from the Middle East see:Islam And Class War

Also see:
Support Our PeaceMakers
While folks are all verklempt about our Troops, pacifist activists with the Christian PeaceMakers Team remain hostages in Iraq and our government has done nothing about it.

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  1. MacKay lies? Peter MacKay? THE Peter MacKay, from Nova Scotia?

    Not surprising. It's also not surprising that he's making things up as he goes along. Do any of us recall the 2003 Progressive Conservative leadership race and the flawed merger vote 7 months later?

    It is of no surprise to me that Peter MacKay would lie to foreign diplomats or the Canadian media. Heck, he lied to his own party supporters! If he has no honesty with men and women of his own politcal stripe, what makes us believe that he would be any more honest with the people he is supposed to represent?

    But to be fair, it must be hard to do all that talking and truth-telling with a forked tongue.

  2. Sorry to disappoint you but saying big lies is the art of the leftists!

  3. Sorry to disappoint you Winston the Big Lie is not the art of the Left which opposes the estabilishment, it is the practice of the State and its apologists Mr. Smith
