Monday, April 03, 2006

Police View This Blog

I have been getting a lot of hits over my story on the Ianerios murder in Mexico, where I claim its a cover up. Mexican Murder Cover Up?

The most recent hit has been from the Peel Police Department. Hey guys anything to help out.

Unfortunately the Peel Police department has about as successful a record as the Mexican police, and they are just about as incorruptible as well. Remember they are police department that dealt with the Homolka/Bernardo murders.
Bernardo claims more alleged sex assaults: police

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  1. Interesting theory. Definitely signs of a potential cover-up here. The case certainly has received much attention from the blogishere. I've been getting an abundance of hits as well, on the same topic.

    What do you make of the recent letter from Hamilton?

    T.O. Crime

  2. Nice blog love the hardbitten PI graphic. I tend to deal more in corporate/whitecollar crime. But I also have blogged on Crime Comics in Canada

    Crime Reporting in all its lurid details is Great Canadian Journalism, with the demise of 'Allo Police we lost something of our unique lurid tabloid journalism.

    On the same note tabloid journalism also began in Canada, Montreal in an attempt to capitalize on 'Allo's success the most famous was Midnight which gave birth to the industry giant National Enquirer. Opps I feel another blog post coming on.
