Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Canadian Labour Says NO Troops In Afghanistan

The Canadian Labour Congress has issued an emergency Press Release over the debate and vote on extending the Canadian Armed Forces mission in Afghanistan.

CLC: Working Families Want Withdrawal from Afghanistan

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - May 17, 2006) - The Canadian Labour Congress calls for the withdrawal of Canada's troops in Afghanistan and an increase of our commitment to the reconstruction and development of that country.

At its regular spring meeting earlier this week, the Executive Council of the Canadian Labour Congress commended the courage and bravery of all the men and women serving in Afghanistan. The Executive Council, which brings together the senior leaders of the country's largest unions along with the presidents of the provincial and territorial federations of labour, adopted a statement that also denounces the fact that our federal government "has moved beyond the NATO mission of humanitarian relief and peacekeeping to an active combat role in support of the US military mission in Afghanistan. In so doing, our government has put Canadian troops in harm's way in an unprecedented manner."

The Executive Council of the Canadian Labour Congress does not "accept the argument that Canadian presence is intended to bring democracy to the people of Afghanistan. Nor do we accept the premise that our presence is intended to put Afghanistan on the road to sustainable development or improve women's equality in that country."

That is why the Canadian Labour Congress urges the government to:

- take the necessary measures to ensure the safe and immediate
withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan;

- increase significantly our resource and financial commitments to
UN-led multilateral peacekeeping and humanitarian initiatives
such as is needed in Darfur;
- strengthen developmental aid to Afghanistan so that
reconstruction efforts are achieved and engage civil society in
developmental programs fostering good governance, and respecting
human rights, gender equality and internationally-recognized
core labour standards;
- ensure any future deployment of Canadian troops is debated and
voted on by the representatives of the citizens of Canada in the
House of Commons.
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  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Is the Canadian labour congress another union funded voice for workers like Buzz Hargrove and C.A.W., because they certainly do not speak for me. I have been labouring for over twenty five years my friend and fully support the military mission in Afghanistan and believe our comitment should be expanded not decreased. By the way, do you know that it takes a half an hour for your blog to download on high speed internet, you may want to consider some editing to reduce its size.

  2. Well the CLC is right on this one. It is always those from the working class and the poor who are at the frontlines, who fight the wars to make the world safe for capitalism. Always has been and always will be.

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Capitalism, you wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for capitalists, just ask the author of this blog who has pop up capitalist advertisments. Labour needs to work with government, if they can, not against it, that's how you improve working conditions and pay without puting companies out of business. The way unions did in the 80's and early 90's.

  4. Unions do work with capitalism, they are agents of capitalism in keeping workers from revolting. Look at the concession bargaining that has gone on since the 1980's with unions like UFCW. If you read this site more often you would see I critique the union movement for being comparadours with the bosses.As for the ads I have them for those hapless workers who think they are middle class consumers and like to buy things on line. You will note that they reflect topics discussed on this blog. As a right winger you should appreciate the fact that as a Communist I offer you freedom of choice, on whether you click on them or not. And isn't that what freedom is all about, choice.
    Pepsi or Coke.
