Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Liberals Free Vote on Afghanistan

I got this response from the Liberals in regards to my emailing them to oppose the vote today to extend our operations in Afghanistan.

Thank you for passing along your view. We have received many similar emails this morning. We will look closely at the proposed extension. I will be passing along your views to Mr. Graham's office where the decision will have to be made.

Liberal Leader Bill Graham announced two hours ago that the Liberals will allow a free vote for their MP's, due to the overwhelming opposition in Caucus to the Conservatives rushed up and down no amendment allowed motion. That now appears to have been based on NATO asking us to run the mission, and the UN calling for action on Darfur.

Liberal House leader Bill Graham said MPs "have had a gun put to our heads" and Liberals were free to vote with their conscience.

Information that the government had but did not share with the opposition parties. The NDP and BQ will oppose the motion, if enough Liberals do to, it will be defeated. Keep up the pressure, keep those emails going.

You can send them to the Opposition parties here

And to the MP's here

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