Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cops and Tasers

Bullies in uniform who are above the law because they enforce the law. There is something wrong with this picture. And then they are allowed to use a deadly weapon like the Taser. Bad enough they are armed and dangerous with guns and pepper spray. Here is another case just like the other case of Edmonton Cops outta control.

City policeman charged with tasering motorist

Florence Loyie, Edmonton Journal

Published: Wednesday, May 17, 2006

An Edmonton police officer, who was reprimanded in 2003 by the Law Enforcement Review Board for using excessive force, has been charged with assault with a weapon in connection with a traffic stop where a struggle ensued and a motorist was tasered.

Const. Aubrey Zalaski is to appear in court June 16 to answer to the charge.

Zalaski was one of three city police officers reprimanded by the province’s police service watchdog in 2003 for using excessive force during a struggle with a man and his daughter outside a Whyte Avenue bar in June, 1998.

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